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OS/2 Guru - Russian VOICE Newsletter [[ header START ]]
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Russian VOICE Newsletter

  Date: 2004-03-09 17:16:48
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

Walter Metcalf (president of VOICE) invites active russian developers and users participate in creation of russian edition of VOICE Newsletter.

Such collaboration will increase quantity of articles on russian language and quantity of articles on english (and german) languages. This may lift the OS/2 community on the next level of interaction!

The pipeline of Newsletter creation is well organized and efficient, so translators don't lose time.

Contacts: walter dot os2 dog rogers dot com


Christian Hennecke
2004-03-10 18:28:39

As the Editor in Chief of the VOICE Newsletter, I would like to comment on this a bit, so you can better image what is involved.

Work on the Newsletter is organized via a closed mailing list (i.e. you can't post there without me having subscribed you to it, so there's no spam) and a web page for assigning tasks, so everybody can see what's to do, who is doing what, and what the current status is for each article. We are using PPWizard to generate certain parts of the pages, e.g. header, footer, author info, and references. The process for each article is as follows: first, the original submitted article is edited and proof-read, then it gets translated by one person and proof-read by another. That proof-read version is again checked by me in case anything bad has happened to formatting, and used to build the final HTML file (and the HTML that is used to convert to IPF). Much of this is explained in a bit more detail at [url]

So to get a Russian version up and running, somebody would first have to translate the task assignment web page (which isn't much), the files that are included in each version of the Newsletter, and the PPWizard stuff (most language-dependent stuff is included in a single file). Finally, we should at least have Russian versions of the main Newsletter page and the master index on the VOICE home page. These can be generated automatically by PPWizard for the most part, but the templates have to be written once.

Finally, a word on the personnel. To keep that thing going without anyone being forced on the road of burn-out, each person on the team shouldn't work on more than two or three articles per issue (e.g. one translation and one proof-reading). And since I am not capable of reading Russian, someone else would have to actually build and package the issue. This person should also take the position of coordinator for the Russian translation team.

If there is enough interest from you guys (and gals), I'm going to try to find people who are capable of translating Russian to German and vice versa.

Walter F. Metcalf
2004-03-15 21:42:30

<Aleksej.R.Serdyukov sent the following comment to me, and gave me permission to post it here. -- Walter Metcalf>

I saw a news about subj. What does it consist of? I can think about English to

Russian translation. If the FTN-e-mail gate will work with this... (I think it

will not kill UUE, say, with HTMLs)


No, I had just read a post of the mailing list in FidoNet SU.OS2.NEWS echo,

there was your e-mail (hidden from spam-addresses-gathering machines).

I haven't Internet access (lazy to go and buy a card), but I can go and by the card.

Sergey Posokhov
2004-03-16 14:31:03

I am ready to join. Let's communicate via e-mail & FIDO mail. Who wants to mail me, keep the subject as "OS/2" to avoid spam filters...

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