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OS/2 Guru - Fashionable game for eComStation [[ header START ]]
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Fashionable game for eComStation

  Date: 2004-10-12 12:39:03
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

eCo Software company is working on new game for OS/2, dedicated to OS/2. The game should be released in the end of this year for subscribers of sNOa game pack.

Name: Operation "Warp" II

Corporate ethic, Corporate art, Corporate morals, Corporate everything. Dzaibatsui is your home, your family, your 'people' carved on top every corporation gate in the world.

Dzaibatsu is a clan-monopoly company in Japan, with harsh ethic, discipline and its own morals. Dzaibatsu started to blossom after Second World War. Typical sample of dzaibatsu is mobs gangs of yakudza.

That's it and nowise else. Do you think that end of 21 century is a time if mature democracy? If so then you are a victim of social engineering. If you still believe that world is ruled by governments, UN, NATO, EUN, if you can enumerate ten parameters your company is better then others just out of hand - then you are one of uncountable screws of corporate universe. If you believe that suddenly died promising young manager died because of heart attack, that multistory building was demolished by out of mind suicide, filled his own apartment with homemade explosive, if you ignore everything outside corporate police controlled area - you are a notorious middle class, a respectable bourgeois, one of many piglets, crowding near a through and noticing nothing around...

Back side of this medal is us. We are lothecs, we are inhabitants of slums, and we are poor and ragged. We die under wheels of your armored vehicles, deceases kill us in millions, deceases escaped from your laboratories. We are declassed elements making cops angry only by our appearance. We are void to you. We are genetic material, thick, live accumulation of sewage. I know that all, because I was one of you. Yes, I was a corporant. I used to be a mobile workshop manager. I was a driver and a mechanic, a boss and a worker, I knew everything about any moving artifact and I knew too much about our board of directors. When old Lee was alive, nobody could touch me... but he lived not long enough to let me climb higher.
And, alas, I am died, evaporated in a button of high-octane flame in the sky above old city. Everybody though that, at least those who didn't know the truth. Nobody saw a small dot detaching from my flyer in instant before it blew up, a dot whose parachute was opened right at a hundred meters above surface. None of your corporants, but rebels saw me. They accepted me without questioning, they gave me food and warmth. They didn't stop me when I left, and they accepted me back when I returned. I saw this and I saw that on that week, the week of my liberty. Twice I almost said firewall to my life. I didn't like what I had seen. It's not a life for human beings. There is no honor for a man to wait for a sweeter piece thrown by glutted corporants. There is no honor in hunting for human liver to sell it to corporate clinic. There is no honor in many things going on in city slums. I may agree they might be drawbacks of civilization growing. I may agree that after corporate world falls life wouldn't become a paradise at once... But I don't agree that nothing can be done to improve what've got.
I'm doing. We are doing.
May be my contribution is less then penny, but there are many of us, and our ranks getting wider. My old flyer, repaired for small money I could earn is always at your services.
When you ask me for a ride I need to know only: where to go to and how fast. You tell and I take care of the rest.


2004-10-14 22:30:39

.... .... ...... .....?

... ... ..... ......-.........?

2004-10-15 07:15:34

..., ...-.. ... . . operation warp 1 . ......... . ...., .... ........ ...... . ........... ..........?

2004-10-15 13:01:28

...... .. .. .. ....., ...... ... .200..., . ....... ........?

2004-10-16 11:10:16

" .."(c)

2004-10-20 08:01:51


2004-10-20 08:02:23

........ . ....

2004-10-21 00:29:19

.., ... . ... ........... .... . ... .......... .. .100

2004-10-21 08:21:29

. ...... .......

2004-10-22 11:47:13

....... .........

2004-10-22 12:07:44

... .. .......... ..... ........... ......... ....?

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