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OS/2 Guru - A good 2004 for Serenity Systems International [[ header START ]]
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A good 2004 for Serenity Systems International

  Date: 2005-01-03 01:07:44
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff
Source:, Bob St.John (SSI)

Because of some of the "noise" on USENET, I posted the following information, there:

Seems to be a lot of discussion about "status" ... and most of it coming from the FUD4, which means most of it is wrong. It is a time of year which calls for a look back and a look ahead. So, in Janus fashion, let's do some of that.

To clear some muddy waters, the company is incorporated as Managed Systems International; filed on January 14, 1998, election effective on January 28, 1998. The "Serenity Systems International" name was registered for Managed Systems International, Inc. on January 30, 1998 in Denton County, which is the appropriate jurisdiction for businesses in Lewisville, TX.

Legal documents from the state and federal government are addressed as:

Managed Systems International, Inc.
Serenity Systems International
765 Juniper Lane
Lewisville, TX

and have been received, addressed this way, since January 1998. Which means, btw, that the seventh anniversary of SSI is coming up next month. I can only hope that 2005 is as good to us as 2004 has been because 2004 was the best year, yet. No surprise, some very good things happened.

First, Serenity Virtual Station was announced. This could be a topic of its own, but short story, SSI was part of the OEM agreement with Connectix and InnoTek. That direction shifted away from OS/2. SSI began a path at Warpstock Austin in 2002 which culminated in the delivery of a VM application supporting OS/2 as both a host and a guest. The only one in the industry. A product which will become much stronger in 2005.

Second, SSI provided Open Office support for OS/2 users in an agreement with InnoTek. Terms of the agreement will not be disclosed, but SSI provided funding, not other resources, as has been suggested.

These two products, in addition to the release of eComStation 1.2 and other related eComStation products, combined to drive the highest annual revenue in SSI's history.

To put some meaning on that, consider that SSI continues to maintain an IBM OEM agreement. Such agreements *require* that specific revenue objectives be met. I will not disclose the terms of our agreement with IBM, but folks can contact IBM and inquire for themselves what IBM would expect of a software OEM from a volume standpoint.

Consider that SSI has been an IBM software OEM since 1998. In our current agreement, we are on schedule to exceed that revenue objective. As significant as that amount is, it is a payment to one vendor, supplier. Which means SSI has to post significant gross revenues beyond that amount, and that is exactly what we are doing.

Another point to consider regarding the life of eComStation. OEMs can continue to license and use products and technologies from IBM long after IBM ceases to sell and support those products. As relates to eComStation, we recently negotiated the rights to IBM Host Attach feature for OS/2, PCOM.

Folks can go to IBM's page for info about the product, including the products supported. But you won't see OS/2 on that page as a supported platform. However, the eComStation Host Attach Feature includes the IBM PCOM product which supports OS/2. We added this product to our contract at the specific request of one of our enterprise customers (it is pretty much an enteprise product), a muncipal mass transit organization.

As long as OS/2 is good business, eComStation will thrive. And since 2004 was the best year, yet ... no change is anticipated. Well, of course, there is a plan to change things for the better ... again. In line with this, remember that both releases of eComStation have won OS/2 World's vote of OS/2 users as the Best Commercial Product of the Year.

Looks like the voting for 2004 has not gotten off the ground, but SSI might have been competing for three slots with eComStation 1.2, SVISTA, and A great performance by an OS/2 vendor - publisher to deliver major new applications, filling crucial needs for OS/2 users.

And I have already taken some of that revenues and begun funding enhancements to our products for our OS/2 users, to make 2005 another great year.

One comment on SSI and "the franchise tax". Fact is, SSI (I) was late in filing a report to the Comptroller of the state. My fault, but the accountant and I have submitted the reports and wait for the Comptroller's office to get back to us. Again, this is not a payment issue ... this is a reporting issue. And it will be resolved.

So, thank you for your continued support in 2004. I'm grateful. I'm also proud of what we have been able to deliver; updates to eComStation, Open Office, while continuing to provide Smart Suite, and a virtual machine application. In 2005 we will build on all of these with an objective of continuing to add value and contribute to the useability of OS/2.

I'm very grateful to our users, partners, and contributors.


2005-01-04 00:37:23

. .. ...... ...... ...... ..... .. ........?

2005-01-05 14:32:41

. ... ......., ...., . ........, ........ ............. ............... .. . ..... ru ........., .. ..... ........., ...... ........ ....... ........ . ........ -;)

.. .., ..... ... ......... .... "............. .. .......... ...... .....", .. ... .., .. ...... ..... ....... ......, .. ................ -;)

........... ...... Savrs

2005-01-09 15:22:48

. ... ......., ... . ....... .. ...... .... .. ........ ...... .. ... ........ ...... :-)

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eComStation developer! Keep in mind that eComStation should be your main system: make all work in eCS, using eCS tools. If you start spending 1 hour/day in other system then you stop any development for eComStation..

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