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OS/2 Guru - Help FIGHT for justice (no software patents in Europe)!! [[ header START ]]
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Help FIGHT for justice (no software patents in Europe)!!

  Date: 2005-07-01 13:10:45
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff
Source: VOICENWS, Roderick Klein

So before you wonder what this has todo with OS/2 ?Everything!!! OS/2 has a lot to thank about open source software. For example Mozilla, Thunderbird, Firefox (the GCC compiler with which the previously mentioned programs are compiled) are all open source applications. runs Apache as a webserver, ported from Linux and open source (like many other websites in the OS/2 community). Not just small companies can be effected by software patents but also free software ( the amount of software patent lawsuites keeps rising each year especially in the US!)

This is a dramatic call. I have been to Brussels on behalf of Mensys. Europe is on the brink on making an important dission about the future of its IT sector. As was discussed yesterday at a meeting organised in the European Parliament in Brussels. "Is the USA reforming its broken patent system ?" The answer is yes. There is a big chance that US politics is looking at what Europe will do.... Its time to send a very CLEAR message, its 5 MINUTES TO 12.

If you think that you contribution does not count ? It does count! FFII is one of the main organizations behind the very succesful lobby against software patents. They are succesful to large extend because they try and mobilize as many people as possible. As reported here.

"Vote for Buzek-Rocard amendments!

The Software Patents Directive, as approved by the European Council of
Ministers, would codify US-style Software Patents in the European Union.
If that happens, software developers will no longer own what they write
and can be sued for selling or distributing their own software. If you
don't inform your parliament, mega-corporations are doing the job for you:
"The European Parliament is filled with lobbyists of Microsoft, Eicta,
CompTIA and so on. There are 30 to 40 lobbyists permanently roaming the
halls." (in Eweek, 21 June (,1759,1829955,00.asp))

So how can you help ? Primarly is you have a website that is visited frequently put the protest front page online. The webdemo basicly starts right now and runs until the 6th of July.

Does it help this webdemo ? In 2003 a LARGE webdemo of websites that where closed (that could be effected by software patents) created much media coverage. So every website counts! I have also seen this in Brussels, your VOICE does not count In 2003 & 2004 FFII has proven this several times!

If you are a small European company you can send a signed fax! More details about the webdemo and the fax you can send can also be found here.

So before your head really starts to spin what's the background on this? For some years this heated debate on software patents has been running and this vote on the 6th of July is an important vote (yes the parliament vote on this already, but they now need to do it again). BTW please don't ask me to explain how Brussels works, its quite complex :-).

After this vote the process is not over. However the core message is that a set of amendments on the Council text are required. At this moment lobby groups related to large companies like Microsoft have send parties to Brussels that are saying they represent small and medium sized companies want software patents.

More information here

But they are not representing us :-( So make your voice heard with the webdemo or a fax (if you are small company).

Thank you for your time and support!

If you have any questions let me know.


..... ......
2005-07-06 23:40:50

............. ...... ........ .... ..... ...........

Sergey Posokhov
2005-07-08 00:30:39

...... .....: [url]

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