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OS/2 Guru - APeCS report [[ header START ]]
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APeCS report

  Date: 2002-03-18 23:37:44
Correspondent: APeCS Bot
Source: eComStation.Ru

Latest changes in APeCS database (16 programs updated) :

  • GOGO by - is updated to 3.10
    This software is a mp3 encoder based on LAME3.88, which is optimized for Enhanced 3D Now!/SSE/SSE2 and dual-CPUs. . . .

  • DaniATAPI by Daniela Engert is updated to 0.3.9
    DaniATAPI.FLT - replacement for IBMIDECD.FLT, IBMATAPI.FLT, DaniADsk.FLT and all other ATAPI related filters . . .

  • DirMaster by Enriva Development is updated to 2.31
    DirMaster is a full featured file and directory manager for OS/2 PM . . .

  • cdrdao/2 by nickk is updated to 1.1.6 pre1 fix3
    Enhanced Os/2 port of cd writing program in DAO mode . . .

  • HOBLink X11 by HOB is updated to 3.5
    HOBLink X11 for OS/2 is an integrated PC X Server package that allows you to use your PC running OS/2 as an X Window terminal . . .

  • whois by - is updated to 4.5.21
    This is a new whois (RFC 954) client rewritten from scratch . . .

  • UUDeview by Frank Pilhofer is updated to 0.5.17
    UUDeview is a program that helps you transmit and receive binary files over the Internet, using electronic mail or newsgroups The UUDeview package includes both an encoder and a decoder . . .

  • RexxMail by M.C. de Geus is updated to build 20020314.101946
    RexxMail is an e-mail client that makes full use of the extensive range of features offered by the OS/2 Workplace Shell for managing and processing files as objects . . .

  • PIPEOUT by Don Hawkinson is updated to -
    PIPEOUT: displays the contents of one or more files to STDOUT . . .

  • RSched by - is updated to 1.6a4
    Full featured VIO scheduler . . .

  • ThirdEye by eCo Software is updated to 2.00 preview
    ThirdEye 2.0 full package is out . . .

  • Squid2 by Evgeny Kotsuba is updated to 2.5 v7b
    alpha-preview Squid proxy server v2.5 for OS/2, compiled and fixed for VACPP3 . . .

  • iSpell by - is updated to 3.2.06
    powerful spell checker (russian dictionaries included) . . .

  • zlib by Vadim Yegorov is updated to 1.1.4
    zlib (static/dynamic RTL) compiled by VAC++ 4.0. . . .

  • DaniN512 by Daniela Engert is updated to 0.1.3
    NON-512 bytes/sector DASD support filter . . .

  • The Netwide Assembler by NASM community is updated to v0.98.24
    NASM is the Netwide Assembler, a free portable assembler for the Intel 80x86 microprocessor series, which uses the traditional Intel instruction mnemonics and syntax . . .


Test the program:

JRescuer/JUne - recover data from JFS volumes

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Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/html/nojunk.phpi on line 62


TwСj Komentarz:

Ideas for the developers:

DevCon: Every system utility should be multilanguage. Every application should be multilanguage. We recommend to use LANGE library.

  •   History:


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