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OS/2 Guru - Donate a copy of eCS to Mrs. Ballmer! ;) [[ header START ]]
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Donate a copy of eCS to Mrs. Ballmer! ;)

  Date: 2002-10-08 03:06:47
Correspondent: Oleg N Gololoboff
Source: VOICENWS, Thomas Klein

Hi folks,

just ROTFL because of what I read today in german newspaper "die zeit" (times) online news: M$'s Steve Ballmer complains about XP being too difficult to use for his wife!! According to the news, he's in search of the "finally right PC" for his spouse...

Well, heck! If Bob St. John could dig out Mrs. Ballmers e-mail adress, I'ld gladly donate my copy of eCS to her so she can check out what *real* operating systems are about. :)=)

Unfortunately I couldn't find an english version of that news, so the URL is only for german readers, I'm afraid. Have fun anyway!


2002-10-08 10:50:56

..... .... ....... MacOS - ....., ..........

Kirov Igor
2002-10-08 11:33:56

... ......... ......... ......... .... M$ - . ..... ........ ... ..... ....... ........ ...... XP ;)

Sergey Kuzmichev
2002-10-09 10:34:07

.., ......-.., .... ...... ........, .. ..... .... ..... ........, .. ........ ....... ........ ..... .. ..... ...... .....(.. .. ....), ........ "..... .. ...... ....." , ........ ......:))))

. ......-.., .... ... ......... .... .. ....... ..... . ....... .........., .. . ........., ... ..... .......... .................. ... ... ..... ....... ... ...... ... ....... ...... . .... ... ........., .. ... ..... ........ . ......, ... . ..... .. ..........:)))

2002-10-09 10:55:40

. ... .......... ?

....... ........ .. ..... ..... .........:-)

. ..... ...... .. .. ... ....... .. ... .... .... .. ......... . .............., . ... ........... ........

Roland Reimers
2002-10-11 14:47:29

I'm a regular reader of the Zeit newspaper and have provided some short Englisch translations from the German text:

Die Zeit: How would you explain to the normal average TV-watcher what .Net is?

Ballmer: Today we have access to a huge amount of information. The problem is: I want to arrange this information according to my own needs. And .Net is a collection of technologies for building software applications which do exactly that.

Die Zeit: Could you give us an example?

Ballmer: Let's take a classical problem that has to be solved by .Net: My wife keeps our family's date book in the internet and I keep mine on my office computer. She thinks that it is my most important task to come home on time. So, I have to care for the keeping the date books synchronous. She does not understand, why she can't just click on entries in her date book and drag them to mine in order to synchronize them. A really reasonable question. Why isn't it possible today?

Another example: Car manufacturers like General Motors get their parts from other companies which again get parts form other companies. How can we enable all their computer systems to communicate which each other? .Net is designed to solve such problems.

Sergey Posokhov
2002-10-17 16:44:25

........ .... ....... ...... . ....... . ........, ....... ... ... . ...... MRP-....... ... "car manufacturers" ... Linux . ....... Java Servlets. ....... . ... ...... ... .. .. ....... . ....... . ........ .. ..... ....... ...... ... ... ... .. .. . .... .. ..... ".......... .net", ... . .. PHP ........ ....., . .. ....... ..., . ...., . ......, .. Virtual Pascal.

2005-10-15 11:54:03

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