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OS/2 Guru - Tame/2 - Advanced testers and investors needed [[ header START ]]
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Tame/2 - Advanced testers and investors needed

  Date: 2004-01-14 11:50:49
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff
Source:, Eugene Gorbunoff

Tame/2 1.0 GA is coming. You are welcome to new homepage of the project.

The further development of Tame/2 depends on purposeful users! The developers need either *qualified* testers with clean working systems, ideally with an alternative Linux installation too (just for comparison of debug informations). It is offered join testing of this groups of scanners:

Hewlett-Packard USB-Scanner Product ID
  0x1005,    /* ScanJet 5400C                         Not Tested.
  0x1105,    /* ScanJet 5470C                         Not Tested.

Snapscan USB-Scanner            Vendor ID Product ID
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 310U            0x04a5    0x1a20
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 320U            0x04a5    0x2022
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 620U / 620UT    0x04a5    0x1a2a
                                  0x04a5    0x2040
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 640U            0x04a5    0x2060
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 640BU           0x04a5    0x207e
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 1240U           0x04a5    0x20c0
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 3300 / 4300     0x04a5    0x20b0
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 4300            0x04a5    0x20de
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 5000            0x04a5    0x20fc
  Benq/Acer/Vuego 5300            0x04a5    0x20fe

  Agfa 1236U                      0x06bd    0x0002
  Agfa 1212U                      0x06bd    0x0001
                                  0x06bd    0x2061
  Agfa Snapscan e10               0x06bd    0x2093
  Agfa Snapscan e20               0x06bd    0x2091
  Agfa Snapscan e25               0x06bd    0x2095
  Agfa Snapscan e26               0x06bd    0x2097
  Agfa Snapscan e40               0x06bd    0x208d
  Agfa Snapscan e42               0x06bd    0x20ff
  Agfa Snapscan e50               0x06bd    0x208f
  Agfa Snapscan e52               0x06bd    0x20fd

  Epson Perfection 660            0x04b8    0x0114
  Epson Perfection 1670           0x04b8    0x011f

The only way to surmount the debug stage is continue debug attempts.. This may require some days of active action and *patience*.

If you can't turn your computer room into Tame/2 test banch then you may choose the second suggestion: spend Maeda Haruyuki sample devices (at least one sample scanner for each backend). This variant is more preferable and the only working model now but requires direct investments into hardware and postal delivery.

The message is based on materials received from Klaus Staedtler and news from Jonas Buys.


2004-01-15 10:39:33

. .... SCSI-....... Acer ScanPrisa 640S. ..... .. ... ..... .............. .... ..........?

Klaus Staedtler
2004-01-15 16:39:49

We have two testers for the HP54** scanners now, this seems sufficient, (as both can deliver informations based on 'known as good' chipsets/OS/2 installations) and at least one seems skilfulled enough. Unfortunately that is the backend which is on linux in alpha-stage too.

Situation with snapscan backend (who is more stable) is a little different -having not a supported model - we not even found out till now the proper way to load the necessary firmware (does it need slashes or backslashes in snapscan.conf ?, does it need driveletter or not, just as examples) although we have two testers who are quite willing but ... as most of you know sometimes thats not enough.

Nad naturally transfering informations between different languages (english, german, japanese ...) with broken-english as lingua franca doesn't ease things.

But we gonna see, Maeda Haruyuki told he soon wants to make new debug-builds based on the already gathered informations, and with some luck we get some steps further.

BTW. As I'm asked this quite often: porting of Sane backends depends that they compile with Vac++ (e.g. the plustek on which many USB scanners rely, does currently not).

Vladimir Solovyov
2004-01-16 19:09:43

.. SCSI ....... .... .. .......

Klaus Staedtler
2004-01-17 13:33:38

Sorry can't read the other postings at all (seems a problem of wrong codepage) execpt SCSI

For SCSI scanners situation is different. there GCC can be used for porting (buillds are done by Franz Bakan not Maeda Haruyuki). Therefore any SCSI scanner who is reported to work with Sane (see the Sane homepage for a complete list) should work - see english.inf in Tame/2 how to add missing scanners to Tame/2. If not there is a bug in backend and you may contact either me or Franz Bakan. PP - scanners is again different, all those who don't require any additional SCSI over PP driver (which is not available for OS/2) should work, those who require SCSI over PP definetly not (as long not anybody writes an SCSI over PP driver for OS/2, there are only some proprietary which don't work for scanners and each must be written for specific chipset).

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