Сообщество пользователей OS/2

Сообщество пользователей OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
User community OS/2 

User groups  
Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)






  • Warpstock Europe 2011 (Ресторан La Place, город Хаарлем, Голландия) 6-8 май 2011, репортаж 1, report 2


Coming conferences (2019)

WSE2015 Warpstock Europe 2019
Terms: May
Place: Soest, Netherlands
Warpstock 2015 Warpstock 2015
Terms: ---
Place: ---

Test the program:

Upgrade eComStation 2.0 desktop to NeoWPS (useful extenders for desktop)

The past conferences and meetings

Warpstock CZ Warpstock Czech 2009
September 18 - 20, 2009;
Place: Ran Airport, Czech Republic
Developers Workshop -
Place: -
Netlabs wintercamp Winter camp of Netlabs
Date: March, 2008
Place: Alps
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2009 (Alps, Switzerland, March, 2009)
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2008 (Alps, Switzerland, March, 2008)
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2007 (Alps, Switzerland, february, 2007)
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2006 (March, 2006)
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2005
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2002
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2001
  • Netlabs wintercamp 2000
KG International conference "OS/2 and modern IT conference"
September 2004
Place: "Maple mountain" sanatorium, Russia

announcement (rus)

IBM Workshop Warp Community Update Workshop
Altai March to the Altai mountains
Altai mountains
August, 2003

Ideas for the developers:

Are you working on shareware applications?

1) List of needed apps, 2) How to create good program, 3) Advice how to prepare for release

Warp Expo West Warp Expo West
Place: -
Date: -
  • Warp Expo West (September 18th 1999)
    25 different presentations, 15 exhibitors
    homepage (menu in the top)
    Reports: review 1, review 2,
OS/2 World Conference OS/2 World Conference
Place: -
  • Second Annual OS/2 World Conference & Exhibition (July 17-20, 1995; Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Mass.) Photo of slides catalogue
  • OS/2 World Conference and Exhibition, (July 19-21, 1994, Santa Clara, Calif)


  • The list contains conferences, international meetings
  • The repeating conference is pushed to the top
  • Send addons via web-form.


Additional information:

Warpstock 2014 2014 ??????? ???????

Warpstock Europe 2014 2014 ??????? ???????

OS/2 GURU Jam-Session 2014/07 25-26 july, 2014 online conference

Warpstock 2013 2013 ??????? ???????

http://www.phmainstreet.com/mba/blog/connect.jpg "Connect the World with Merlin" October 26th октябре 1996-го http://ecomstation.ru/commentnews.php?id=2377




(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2024