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New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
Asus A7N8X-XE
Mark: Bad Tried eComstation 1.15 on two different systems with the ASUS A7N8X-Xe: First system only runs with ibms506.add and Busmaster disabled, onboard sound works with newest Uniaudio but only not fullduplex eg. system sounds will interrupt PM123 and sometimes hang the system. eComstation Live-CD will not run because danis506.add hangs the system during booting.
Second system only runs with Danis506.add (Busmaster is possible) but any Floppy access will hang the system, USB drivers where load without any problems on both systems, but USB device where only work on the first system. The board overs no dedicated IRQs for PCI-Devices and even Windows XP and Win2003 Server will only work with ACPI active, maybe the Beta ACPI driver is needed for this board....
Information is sent by: Andreas Hassek -- 2006-04-27 21:34:40
Test the program:
eComStation.. is it secure or not? Read more..
eCo Software was collaborating or is collaborating with the companies:
Mensys BV,
Serenity Systems International,
Parallels Studio,
Innotek GmbH
Ideas for the developers:
DevCon: Do you develop native applications? then you need additional window control elements.
IBM OS/2 Warp