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Heat.. eComStation.. give me some water..

2010-06-29 20:27:13 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) The development of eComStation continues follow the twitter, The users are discussing what do they need in the OS.

2) Reviews of eComStation 2.0 and OS/2 Warp

3) Additional OS2LOGO, new wallpapers www.ecomstation.tv

4) An article for developers: 'Wrong' users around (the developers are angry to users, the users are angry to developers. We are making efforts to resolve the conflict)

5) The internet is full of stories about IBM OS/2 Warp:

6) Press about eComStation: http://ecomstation.ru

Share your knowledge: Firefox 3, features of eCS 2.0, connect to Windows

2010-06-26 02:44:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users asked us at this week:

  • Question 1: Which version of Firefox 3 is usable? (in several hours of work with Firefox 3, you can't start other apps anymore)
  • Question 2: "My friends are going visit me. How to demonstrate eComStation 2.0 ? How to impress them?"
  • Question 3: How to connect to Windows 7 ? Share eComStation disks with Windows PC? Connect to Windows disks?

June mix of eComStation news

2010-06-12 22:11:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Kuzia (our news scout) found some interesting links in the Internet:

1. e-ball Awards - nominations

2) Reviews, announcements of eCS 2.0

3) One more article

Faith in numbers: Six more tech cults -> page 5: Tech cult No. 5: The Way of the Warp (OS/2)

4) Testing Lucide

Do you have troubles with printing from Lucide? printing of filled PDF-form?

5) Activity in the forums

6) Attributes of eComStation

Logos, artwork eCS attributes web-page

7) Testing OpenOffice.org

If you found a bug in Openffice.org office suite then post the bug-report to public forum (official bug-tracker doesn't allow analyze what is the current state of the program - ecomstation.com)

8) Netlabs.org

www.netlabs.org is refreshed after several years of silence.

9) Certification of users

How to query the qualification of eComStation users? What to query, how to test people?

Exchange the experience: os2*.ini, effect of SetGetState, I need new feature

2010-06-11 20:50:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users are interested to know :

Topic 1:

What is the size of files x:\OS2\os2.ini, x:\OS2\os2sys.ini on your harddrive?

Please mention: a) what is the version of OS, b) date of installation (date of file: x:\var\log\1_BASE.L1), c) do you have many programs installed, do you have WPS extenders?

You can post your notes to the comments of this message.

Topic 2:

If he utility allows you change the frequency x:\ecs\bin\SetGetState.exe (ACPI utility, how to use: x:\ecs\bin\SetGetState.doc), then inform us how many additional minutes do you get?

How to make the experiments: experiments. Make the log of battery level using bat-log utility

Send your results via web-form

Topic 3:

If you work with other OSes, with mobile devices then inform eCS developers which features (window control elements), and which programs should be (can be) implemented (copied to) in eComStation a) Perfect eComStation, b) I need new program

Mix of eComStation news

2010-05-31 23:39:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We found interesting links in the Internet:

1. Reaction to release of eComStation 2.0

2. Solutions based on eComStation

We have separated the list "of Solutions based on eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp" on three groups:

  • Special solutions
  • Solutions for business
  • General tasks

3. The users are installing eComStation 2.0

  • SCOUG group in California have discussed eCS 2.0 GA (+ automatical attach of Buffalo NAS to eCS). www.scoug.com -> May 2010
  • The users of San Francisco are going order eCS 2.0 www.baywarp.org
  • A Japanese user about eCS 2.0: akpil.net

4. New site found


5. More links and sites

May mix of eComStation news

2010-05-01 14:53:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

There is some activity in the Internet:

A) We synced the list of eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp conferences: ecomstation.ru/community (with warpevents.eu)

B) Small site: eComStation and OpenSource - let's collect information which system components are open source, which modules should be opensourced?

C) Discussion of OS/2 and eComStation in Internet:

D) More eComStation news:

E) DevCon bits - we are discussing API troubles in the forum: Problems with WinQueryObjectPath and WinQueryActive

Report from the conference

2010-04-19 20:56:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users and developers "accumulate energy" for the whole year after visit of a conference. People forget about doubts and problems, the users start working in the interests of the community.

Several dosenz / hundreds of users can visit the conference. How to share positive mood with those who can't visit the conference? How to pass them the latest news, demonstrate the perspectives? eCo Software published 8 (eight) reports from the conferences to inform the community.

We are searching for users which can make the reports in this year:

  • Warpstock Europe 2010 - middle of may (Germany)
  • Warpstock 2010 - august (Canada)

How to make the report?

  • make cool photos
  • make the questions to the speakers
  • give short information about the projects/applications
  • retell main topics of the report
  • collect the opinion of other visitors

Send us your contact information via the web-form

No free slots at Warpstock Europe 2010

2010-04-08 10:47:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

WSE2007 -- 23 presentations, WSE2008 -- 22 presentations, WSE2009 -- 21 presentations, Warpstock Europe 2010 = 14 presentations are listed..

eCo Software was going show 3 presentations at WSE2010:

  • Discussion of eComStation future
  • Discussion of new libraries for developers of eComStation applications
  • Demonstration of new applications and utilities for eComStation

We apologize for the problems, no free slots for our presentations

  • we are not going pay for the participation (the right to make the presentation, not registration) in the conference (this is the first case when you should pay for this in the history of Warpstock Europe)
  • no free slots for OS/2-related reports (although 1/3 of presentations don't relate to OS/2 directly)

We are searching for other users which were rejected and can't make the presentation to discuss the problem.

How to contact Warpstock Europe organizers: * Contact page * CC: Presentations -> e-mail of Presentation manager

Exchange reviews of software to voucher

2010-04-04 00:59:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

To stimulate the sellings of eCS software, eCo Shop offers vouchers to russian users which can write small reviews of eComStation software.

It's important to generate more screenshots of eComStation to flood the Internet with the pictures of eComStation desktop. This is the only way to promote eComStation today.

Mix of eComStation news

2010-04-03 19:43:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation news in short:

Mensys published the newsletter related to eComStation 2.0 GA, it's planned to release it at Warpstock Europe 2010 Warpstock Europe 2010

(for developers) DevCon bits - the developers can post the results of experiments with API, troubles with functions and possible solutions.

Here is fun story about old OS/2 computer (RUS):

www.os2world.com is celebrating 10 years!

One more movie at ecomstation.TV

Areas of eComStation usage:

We have disabled several thousand of spam messages in Articles section

New products for eComStation

2010-04-02 11:44:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

A) Pay attention to:

  • You can register at Warpstock Europe 2010 via Mensys, buy WSE2009 DVD
  • Paul Smedley released DVD for developers os2ports.smedley.info
  • More and more users switch to SSD disks, there are some reports in Hardware database

B) Shareware programs were updated:

  • Emperoar TV 2.05
  • MCP2/Rus
  • PMView/Rus 3.61
  • etc

We expect release of 2-3 new products for eComStation during the spring.

Paul Smedley: APRIL FOOLS: Site closure

2010-04-02 00:28:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We delayed the publication of the message: "Sadly I have come to the decision to close this site effective April 30, 2010. The last five years of providing ports of open source software for OS/2 and eComStation have been a blast, however I feel it's time to move on, so I will be switching all my systems over to linux. Thanks for all the support over the years!! Paul." (source, there were no remarks that it's a joke during the 1-st april)

Paul Smedley is a famous porter of applications and tools from Linux to eComStation, (read more)

Warpstock Europe 2010 -- calculate the advantages

2010-03-24 15:05:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe 2010 is coming (May 14 to 16, 2010, Trier, Germany)

You are right, the cost of the trip to Trier may be very high for you. 300 EURO.. 500 EURO.. 1000 EURO.. or more.

What is the reason to spend so much money?

A. Are you going make a presentation?

The conference is a good chance to

  • demonstrate your applications to the users
  • present success story of eComStation usage;
  • share your libraries with other developers;
  • learn new eComStation technologies and share the knowledge with other developers;
  • present own concept of OS development;
  • inform developers which software and drivers should be created;

B. Moreover, the visit of the conference gives you:

  • Networking
    • You are meeting with other users and developers from different countries, different cultures;
    • If you are a developer, then you are meeting with your clients. Ask them what do they need;
    • Meet the users from your city and region. The conference may help you create Local User Group;
    • Get fresh news and secret information when chatting.
  • Income/experience
    • The visit of Germany is good for your experience, you can see how german people are working, why they are so productive.
    • You are collecting information what is the trend of OS/2 development. This helps you safe the efforts and don't spend then time to fake goals after return to home.
    • If you are a designer then watch the design of german houses, clothes, banners
    • Improve your english(/deutch/dutch), no need to buy tutorials of english language
    • You are mobilizing while preparing for the conference. You are generating more ideas, more code while preparing for D-Day.
    • Present your program to sell it
  • Vacations
    • If you don't have a report then interpret the trip as short vacations

Full list of conferences

OS/2 in compulenta.ru news

2010-03-20 00:36:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

it's fun that russian compulenta.ru online news server used the picture with OS/2 in the news related to future Windows OS :)

Here is the original article,

Spring mix of eComStation news

2010-03-19 15:02:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Misc news about eComStation:

1) We have found the photo of IBM OS/2 Warp 3 developers (October 11, 1994) in Facebook.

2) Strange screenshot in the internet: www.engadget.com (thx Sergey Posokhov)

3) We are ready to publish your story "Why do I use eComStation"

4) eComStation TV - added links to movies:

  • IBM's first homepage on the Web

5) DevCon bits - collection of troubles and solutions for developers: forum

6) The users are discussing the coming conferences Warpstock Europe 2010 (Germany) and Warpstock 2010 (USA). You can find the discussions in misc forums: what to discuss during the conference, what to release for this event.

7) KO Myung-Hun started the porting of VLC media player.

Influence on eComStation community - write a review

2010-03-02 18:17:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU site is ready publish your article/review in "Articles" section (total: 207 articles and overviews)

What to overview? What to discuss? You can review eComStation applications, write about the advantages of the operating system, take an interview from famouse developer/user.

Send your contacts information via web-form

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