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Warp Community Update Workshop

2004-10-07 23:29:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The conference of IBM developers took place in Bayern one month ago. Here is the first part of report about this event: "Update Workshop - conquesting Alpin mountains, Part 1" (russian language).


OS/2 e-Zine: September 2004 issue

2004-10-03 17:58:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Isaac Leung]

The September issue of OS/2 e-Zine is now on-line.

In this issue:

From The Editor

  • Isaac Leung -- The Best Application;


  • eComStation 1.2 - the upgrade -- Keith Merrington has a first look at the new eCS 1.2;


  • Keyboard Input from A to ñ -- Keith Merrington talks about character maps and codepages;
  • Networking SVISTA/eComStation with NT Guest -- Cheng Yang Tan has a guide for the (relative) non-techie;
  • ISP or ASP Made Easy (Part II) -- Carlos de Luna Saenz explains how to begin setting up a basic HTTP server;
  • Bitmaps and Maul -- Peter Koller provides a brief intro to bitmaps;
  • Case Study: Redeveloping a web site with PPWizard (Part 3): Blocking out elements on a page -- AL du Pisani continues his series on using PPWizard to develop web sites;

The Art Department -- Luc Van Bogaert and Ben Dragon have a couple of eCS themed background;


  • Ask John -- John Bijnens answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum;
  • September Forums -- Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums;

VOICE Newsletter 10/2004

2004-10-03 13:17:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Christian Hennecke]

The October issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now available online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • News at VOICE -- by Christian Hennecke
  • Embellish, revisited -- by Thomas Klein
  • eComStation 1.2 - A first look -- by Walter Metcalf
  • CD/DVD ReWriters, RSJ and how to avoid RSJ "capturing" your writer at bootup -- by Peter Brown
  • Getting and installing eComStation version 1.2 -- by Nick Lysaght
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips, and the compiled news of the previous month!

OS/2 and electro-power engineering

2004-09-26 00:32:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next area of OS/2 usage is electro-power engineering. There are many complexes of telemetric information processing in Russia. One of them serves the power system of Volgograd region (russian text).

Other solutions based on eCS and OS/2: http://ecomstation.ru/solutions

Special offer for Warpstock Europe visitors

2004-09-25 23:10:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Gerrit Schoenmaker]

On occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Dutch OS/2 user group, every visitor of Warpstock Europe 2004 will get 25% discount on SVISTA virtual machine software. So, it's time to make up your mind and book your trip to Warpstock Europe from November 26-28th in the Netherlands.

It would be a good idea to do your Warpstock Europe 2004 registration online. It saves you money and delay at the checkin desk. The only thing you need to do, is to visit the registration page at the Warpstock Europe website

Warpstock Europe lets the Elephant dance again!

Processing of data from meteorological satellites

2004-09-25 11:11:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next area of OS/2 usage is the meteorology. The complex of meteorological satellites data reception and processing was created some years ago and is operating successfully at present (russian text).

September - the month of conferences

2004-09-21 08:42:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

In the next few weeks we are going publish overviews of two conferences:

  • Warp Community Update Workshop (06.-08. September 2004; Renaissance Riessersee Hotel, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany). List of reports and events:
    • Report of Daniela Engert about Dani drivers;
    • Report of Modris Berzonis (Exigen Latvia) about updated base drivers;
    • Report of Rudiger Jungbeck (RSJ) about popular RSJ CD-Writer application;
    • Report of Oliver Stein (Innotek) about achievements of Innotek;
    • Report of Ed Durrant about market advantages of OS/2;
    • Report of Roderick Klein (Mensys) about new version of eComStation 1.2;
    • Reports of 6PAC Consulting AG about SVISTA virtual machine;
    • Free discussion of drivers development;
    • Must-have applications WPS Wizard & Emperoar TV;
    • Social events: visit of Hoteleigene Berhutte cottage (victory of "Alpin-Ratten" team), game "night road and blinding of car drivers"; visit of Zugspitze (the highest top of Germany);
    • [more?]
  • OS/2 and modern IT conference (17.-19. September 2004; "Maple mountain" sanatorium, Russia). List of reports and events:
    • Stanislav Radchenko (the history of OS/2; OS/2-solution to automize small trade company; automation of treatment quality examination, forecasting and learning);
    • Victor Smirnoff -- DCPack (clipboard convertion tool; for users and developers);
    • Vadym Rumyantsev -- usage of OS/2 in space branch and as base for mainframe's command set emulator;
    • Evgeny Kotsuba -- OS/2 in laser industry (cutting; stereolitography), MesaGL/2 library (OpenGL);
    • Oleg Stolyarov -- Current IBM technologies;
    • Eugene Kazarinov -- OS/2 technologies in billing system used by famous moscow internet provider;
    • Sergey Posohov -- OS/2 as a tool to control/edit popular business directory "Moscow Business Telephone Guide";
    • Joseph Jhrago -- OS/2 in oil industry; XObject WPS-class;
    • Vladimir Natrov -- processing of telemetric information in power system of Volgograd region;
    • V.N.Novoseltsev (member of the Russian Academy of Science) -- Trade-offs, senescence and premature deaths in drosophila.
    • Oleg Pianykh -- servers of storage, transfer and processing of medical diagnosis images;
    • Eugene Gorbunoff -- eComStation/Rus 1.2, SVISTA/2 2004 virtual machine;
    • Social events: grassy tea, koumiss (fermented mare`s milk), "Green key" spring, shashlik (mutton grilled on a spit);
    • [more?]

Although both conferences was dedicated to OS/2 platform, the contents & format was very different.

It's time to prepare for the next conference - Warpstock Europe 2004 (26-28 november, 2004; Arhnem city, Holland). The program of conference was updated some days ago;

OS2 World - Award Nomination & Donation Project

2004-09-15 19:14:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com]

Hopefully all of you have by now noticed that you're able to submit your nomination to the OS2 World Award by following categoies:

  • Best Unix Port of the Year
  • Best Commercial Software of the Year
  • Best Java Application of the Year
  • Best Site of the Year
  • Best Supporting Company of the Year
  • Best Individual Software of the Year
  • Honor Award for Individuals

If you haven't submitted your nomination yet, please do so from this page;

As well we launched a donation project this weekend to collect proper fundings to upgrade the server and by that increase the availability of the services we provide. So if you want to make some donation to OS2 World hardware upgrade and follow the development of the current donation, please then visit this page;

Conference in september

2004-09-14 18:45:13 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru, Stanley]

The conference "OS/2 and modern IT" (september 17-19th, 2004) is coming.. This message (russian version) contains additions to main overview.

VOICE Newsletter 09/2004

2004-09-11 12:31:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Christian Hennecke]

The September issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now available online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • Making a news group -- by Jason R. Stefanovich
  • Chatzilla - just a click and you are talking -- by Mark Dodel
  • Ini file management -- by Bob Mclellan
  • The OS/2 INI Files -- by James J. Weinkam, D.Sc.
  • (PMM)Bogofilter - Customizable SPAM Filtering -- by Walter Metcalf
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips, and the compiled news of the previous month!

Conference in september

2004-09-04 09:20:04 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The conference "OS/2 and modern IT" (september 17-19th, 2004) is coming..

We published detailed overview of the forthcoming event (russian text). The main difference of the conference - reports are related to ready industrial solutions based on OS/2 and eComStation.

OS/2 e-Zine: August 2004 issue

2004-08-26 00:28:29 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Isaac Leung]

The August issue of OS/2 e-Zine is now on-line.

In this issue:

From The Editor

  • Isaac Leung Summer dreams...


  • EPoX EP-4PDA2+ Mainboard Review -- Michael J. Snadaker takes a look at a motherboard
  • OpenOffice for OS/2 and eComStation -- Keith Merrington has another look at OpenOffice
  • Gif_Text: Turning text into images -- AL du Pisani looks at a handy tool to convert text to images


  • Warpstock 2004 -- Douglas Clark a preview of Warpstock 2004
  • ISP or ASP Made Easy (Part I) -- Carlos de Luna Saenz explains about ASP
  • Case Study: Redeveloping a web site with PPWizard (Part 2): Standard page elements -- AL du Pisani continues his series on using PPWizard to develop web sites
  • SOM and Object REXX -- Dr. W. Boughton provides an in-depth example of using SOM with Object Rexx

The Art Department -- Luc Van Bogaert and Tim Swank have a few more backgrounds again this month.


  • Ask John -- John Bijnens answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum;
  • August Forums.

Warpstocks around us

2004-08-04 18:48:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

As you know there was a Warpstock/Cz some days ago. Visit the homepage of conference and check photos.

The next meeting of users will take place in Russia "OS/2 and modern IT technologies" (september 17-19th, 2004)

If you are going to european Warpstock conference (November 26-28th, Arnhem, The Netherlands) then take care about visa and multipassport :) Additional info:

It is recommended register in advance to minimize expenses.

IBM Warp Community Update Workshop

2004-07-27 19:37:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Ed Durrant]

Serenity Systems International will be sponsoring presentations about eComStation 1.2 and SVISTA support for OS/2, including Terminal Services presentations, at the IBM Warp Community Update Workshop I/2004 (No.9), to be held September 6-8 (Mon-Wed) at the Renaissance Riessersee Hotel in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (south of Munich).

Renaissance Riessersee Hotel

Contact info:

OS/2 e-Zine: July 2004 issue

2004-07-27 19:10:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Isaac Leung]

The July issue of OS/2 e-Zine is now on-line.

In this issue:

From The Editor

  • Isaac Leung 'Free' e-mail


  • Superversion -- John Bijnens finds an easy to use version control system
  • Mustek DV2000 -- Kovac Igor tries out the Mustek DV2000 digital video camera


  • Corrections and Updates -- Isaac Leung notes some corrections on VFATMon and digital cameras
  • Maul -- Peter Koller gives a brief introduction on what you can do with Maul
  • OS/2 in Italy -- Mentore Siesto tells us of OS/2 and eCS, the Italian situation: the PIDO/2 Project and (much) more.

The Art Department -- Isaac Leung , has something different this month


  • Ask John -- John Bijnens answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum;
  • July Forums.


2004-07-14 19:59:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This year was hard for eCS users and developers. Development of new software and its testing required more efforts than was planned. If you have lost the health and strength - read the article "Take care of your health" to change your daily time-table (russian text).

If this is not enough, try xtreme forms of relaxation:

If you missed the summer then it is recommended visit OS/2 conferences (this is equal to short vacation)

As alternative, join the competition "The best overview of system utility".

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