Reviews / articles about OS/2 |
Operating systems: ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp |
DATE: 2001-08-14 00:32:52 AUTHOR: nickk
... EMX ......... ...... ..... CPU.... .. .............. .........-..... . ....... gcc . ........, ... ... ...... ....... ..... CPU .. ..... ...... (........ .... .. .........., . ............. .........., ........, . ....... top) .... .. ..... ......., ........., ........... .. .. ....... select. .... ... ..., .......... ........ .. .. ............. .......: int ibm_select( int *fds, int n_read, int n_write, int n_exept, long timeout); int os2_select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout) /* We are using the EMX select() call if non-socket handlers are presented in sets and IBM select() otherwise. EMX select() causes high CPU usage in polling loop. */ . fd_set *fds[3] = . readfds, writefds, exceptfds .; int fd_os2[FD_SETSIZE * 3], fd_emx[FD_SETSIZE * 3]; int n_fd[4], n = 0; int i, k, s; long ibmtimeout = -1; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) . n_fd[k] = n; if(!fds[k]) continue; for(i = 0; i < nfds; i++) . if(!fds[k]->fds_bits[i>>5]) . i += 31; continue; . if(!FD_ISSET(i, fds[k])) continue; s = _getsockhandle(i); if(s < 0) return select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout); else . fd_os2[n] = s; fd_emx[n++] = i; . . . n_fd[3] = n; if (timeout) ibmtimeout = timeout->tv_usec/1000 + timeout->tv_sec*1000; s = ibm_select(fd_os2, n_fd[1]-n_fd[0], n_fd[2]-n_fd[1], n_fd[3]-n_fd[2], ibmtimeout); if(s == 0) /* Timeout */ return 0; if(s < 0) . /* Error */ if(sock_errno() == 10004) /* SOCEINTR */ errno = EINTR; else errno = EINVAL; return -1; . i = 0; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) . n = n_fd[k+1]; for( ; i < n; i++) if(fd_os2[i] < 0) FD_CLR(fd_emx[i], fds[k]); . return s; . ... ....... ibm_select . sock_errno() ....... .. so32dll.dll: ; ibmtcp.imp ; -------- so32dll entry points -------- ibm_select so32dll 12 ? sock_errno so32dll 20 ? ..... ........ .... . ..... ........., .........: emximp -o ibmtcp.a ibmtcp.imp. ...... .... ...... EMX'.... select .. ..............., ....... ........ . ........... . ... - "EMX select() causes high CPU usage in polling loop". ......., .... .. ........... select ...... ........ ......, .. ..... ...... .. ....... - ........ ........ .. ..... .. ...... ... ......., ...... ........ ....... .......... ......... . .. ..... ......... OS/2 ..... squid, bind, sshd, wget... ....... EMX ..... ! :) ..... ......: nickk
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