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Special Offer for Warpstock Europe 2009 Attendees

2009-10-30 23:21:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://www.os2voice.org]

The Warpstock Europe 2009 event team and Mensys BV are pleased to announce a special offer for all attendees of Warpstock Europe 2009. At previous events, eComStation used to be available at a reduced price. Given the fact that most visitors are likely to be already entitled to receive eCS 2.0 GA via their Software Subscription, a different route was chosen for this anniversary event. Actual attendees will receive a voucher worth a rebate of 20 Euro for their next purchase at Mensys.

The tenth Warpstock Europe conference will be held at the Hotel Rugenblick in Stralsund, Germany from November 13 to 15. Warpstock is an annual conference for the OS/2 and eComStation operating systems and related technology. It is dedicated to information, education, support, and exchange and addresses users, developers, and software vendors. To achieve these goals, the event offers seminars and workshops, exhibition areas, and room for personal exchange.

More information is available at: http://www.warpstock.eu

Warpstock Europe is powered by warpevents.eu
Warpstock is a trademark of Warpstock, Inc.

Full list of conferences

e-ball Awards 2009

2009-10-10 18:13:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We continue the preparation for the competition, We are collecting nominations now, the voting is planned for the november.

Submit your nominations within following categories:

  • Best eComStation Application
  • Best WorkPlace Shell Application
  • Best eComStation Utility
  • Best eComStation Widget
  • Best eComStation Driver
  • Best eComStation Developer Tool
  • Best eComStation Game -- No nominations! ?! You have a chance to create small fun game!
  • Best eComStation Scientific Computing Solution
  • Best eComStation Student Product
  • Best Technical Article for eComStation Developers

Post your nominations via web-form (Send the name of program, category, homepage, why is it best?)

We talk about programs created (or updated significantly) during 2009.

Share your knowledge: 3 questions

2009-10-10 15:15:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users ask one each other:

  • How to accelerate boot of the operating system?
  • How to you organize data on your computer? (one directory for Music, for movies, for documents.. Extra partition to exchange data with Windows ..)
  • Which new tasks (areas of usage) eComStation can/should occupy? (we are going publish the list at Solutions site)

Mix of yellow leaf

2009-10-05 02:45:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Fresh news about eComStation from the Internet:

Warpstock Europe 2009 -- calculate the advantages

2009-09-23 13:54:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe 2009 is coming (November 13 to 15, 2009, Stralsund, Germany)

You are right, the cost of the trip to Stralsund may be very high for you. 300 EURO.. 500 EURO.. 1000 EURO.. or more.

What is the reason to spend so much money?

A. Are you going make a presentation?

The conference is a good chance to

  • demonstrate your applications to the users
  • present success story of eComStation usage;
  • share your libraries with other developers;
  • learn new eComStation technologies and share the knowledge with other developers;
  • present own concept of OS development;
  • inform developers which software and drivers should be created;

B. Moreover, the visit of the conference gives you:

  • Networking
    • You are meeting with other users and developers from different countries, different cultures;
    • If you are a developer, then you are meeting with your clients. Ask them what do they need;
    • Meet the users from your city and region. The conference may help you create Local User Group;
    • Get fresh news and secret information when chatting.
  • Income/experience
    • The visit of Germany is good for your experience, you can see how german people are working, why they are so productive.
    • You are collecting information what is the trend of OS/2 development. This helps you safe the efforts and don't spend then time to fake goals after return to home.
    • If you are a designer then watch the design of german houses, clothes, banners
    • Improve your english(/deutch/dutch), no need to buy tutorials of english language
    • You are mobilizing while preparing for the conference. You are generating more ideas, more code while preparing for D-Day.
    • Present your program to sell it
  • Vacations
    • If you don't have a report then interpret the trip as short vacations

Full list of conferences

How to prolong the subscription? (for users)

2009-09-08 13:04:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU site offers to users write the reviews of software (and exchange to eCS subscription). What kind of reviews? Comparison of applications/utilities, how to join 5 applications to pipeline, etc.

This offering should make users participate in the life of the OS, share knowledge with other users, attract new users.

eCo Shop - increase of sellings

2009-09-03 00:53:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Best-sellers of eCo Shop:

  • Subscription to eComStation - access to the OS updates
  • eComStation FAQ book - The brochure with questions and answers about eComStation (russian language) // english version is available from Mensys

Added new products to eCo Shop

  • Qt4 Sponsor units

Updated products (APeCS):

  • PMMail, NeoWPS, Emperoar TV, DVD/CD Toys

August mix of eComStation news

2009-08-28 23:37:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

More interesting news from the Internet:

Conferences, interviews, ..

2009-08-12 18:44:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Community site

Warpstock 2009 conference is over.. the next conference - in Czech Republic (september)

New interview:

  • Warpstock Europe 2009 - Interview with Event Team, Christian Hennecke is discussing the coming conference with Ernst Martin Kirschner

We have found info from the past:

  • meeting of os/2 users in St.Petersburg -- 4 November, 2000
  • meeting of os/2 users in Moscow -- October, 2000

P.S. Fresh idea for conferences: Let's write on the badges: developer, user, investor (or use special icons), so other visitors see what are your interests and can start dialog with you.

Warpstock USA 2009

2009-08-04 17:23:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock 2009 will be held Friday through Sunday noon, August 7th - 9th, at the University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Homepage, Agenda (on the left of the homepage)

Thursday 06-Aug

  • Arrival and checkin
  • Dinner

Friday 07-Aug

  • Breakfast
  • Warpstock 2009 opening session
  • End user: Printing and eCups
  • Morning break
  • Networking for eCS
  • PM programming
  • Lunch
  • Creating effective slideshow presentations using OpenOffice.org Impress
  • OpenOffice.org Tips and Tricks
  • Afternoon break
  • Setting up development environments
  • Dinner

Saturday 08-Aug

  • Running Web and e-mail servers
  • Breakfast
  • Programming 101 ? getting started for non-programmers.
  • Morning break
  • Virtualization under WinXP and Linux
  • Rapid Development with GPFREXX
  • Lunch
  • Programming 102
  • Afternoon break
  • Virtualization under MAC OS X
  • Dinner
  • Take me out to the ball game

Sunday 09-Aug

  • Breakfast
  • Installation and ACPI
  • eComStation update
  • Morning break
  • eComStation round table
  • Warpstock 2009 wrap-up and giveaway
  • Lunch

What do you expect from the conference? Post the questions, we are going pass the list to the reporters.

Full list of eCS and OS/2 conferences

Czech Warpstock

2009-06-28 01:13:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.com, June 07, 2009 by Jarda Kacer]

We are proud to announce that the Czech Warpstock 2009 mini-conference will take place on the weekend from September 18 to September 20 at the Ran Airport situated in the North-West of the Czech Republic. This is already the eighth year of Czech Warpstock; we started in Dn in 2002. All OS/2 and eCS fans are very welcome! http://www.os2.cz/en/warpstock2009/translations/english

The event is primarily intended for Czech and Slovak OS/2 users but we will be glad to see friends from abroad too. In the past, we had visitors from Hungary, Poland, and Germany and we hope we will see some of you again! Please follow instructions on the conference page to register and get information on how to get to the conference place.

Full list of eComStation conferences

eCo Shop is searching for shareware products

2009-06-18 19:41:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New products for russian users:

  • TextBuch - german accounting software
  • Moneyplex - german accounting software
  • Design services for developers of eCS software

Updated prices:

  • Communigate Pro for eComStation
  • SSD disks with eComStation pre-installed

What is the demand on software from Don Hawkinson?

90 Minute Movie about OS/2 and eComStation planed

2009-06-16 01:26:04 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eComStation@yahoogroups.comDESPAM]

Sigurd Fastenrath posted a message to http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation/

"I am going to plan a 90 minutes video movie about OS/2 and ecomstation. I will use better eqiupment and a lot of other enhancements for it. It will be something completly different from what you have seen on Youtube. There will be a german and an englisch/international version. Release date is planed at Warpstock Europe.

I think I will need 90 Minutes to explain much more about the historay from OS/2 to eCS and have more time to show some details of eComstation.

I do not want to make a commercial, it will be more like an information video.

So, before I start to write the scipt here is the chance for all of you to make your suggestions and thoughts that you may want to see in them movie.

A Question to Mensys/Serenity: Do you mind if I plan to do so? Do you have special thoughts/needs you need to talk about? Would you like to have an interview in there? I probably would visit Mensys for this, The Netherlands is not that fare awy from germany... :-)

Yes, i know, for some of you that may sound crazy or megalomaniac, but we will see.

I will keep you informed form time to time!"

What do you think? Let's collect ideas here!

Japanese eComStation 2.0 RC6a

2009-06-11 00:48:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

'Fun' movie about japanese eComStation 2.0 RC6a links page (2009 -> Catch me eComStation2.0rc6a japanese version)

A review of eCS 2.0 RC6a japanese (use google -> translate)

eComStation: summer mix of news

2009-06-05 18:28:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have found interesting news in the Internet:

Popular sites related to eComStation

Qt 4 application and UI framework for eCS, OS/2

2009-05-03 03:34:29 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write applications once and deploy them across many desktop and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_toolkit)

A few years ago netlabs.org hired Dmitry A. Kuminov (aka dmik) to port version 3 of the toolkit to the eCS and OS/2 platform. This port is working well and made it possible to port many applications to our platform.

Some time ago Qt 4 got introduced and more and more applications are using this version of the toolkit by now. To make sure we can port those applications again, we have to invest some more work into the eCS and OS/2 port, as Qt 4 redid a lot of things from scratch. Dmitry offererd us to work on the port again, our goal would be to hire him for about 5 months, but we cannot do that ourself without help from the community.

We do have some money in the queue but it's not enough yet. If you would like to contribute to this port, you are welcome to buy a sponsoring unit for that at Mensys, 100% of that money will be transferred to netlabs.org.

Silvan Scherrer will coordinate the work for this port and Dmitry will do the programming.

Some applications that by now use Qt 4: VirtualBox, SMPlayer, Psi, Scribus, LyX and many more.

The Mensys sponsor link is: http://www.mensys.com/NetlabsQT4

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