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eComStation Community

2009-05-03 02:44:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The site of community contains information about interviews and conferences.

New interviews:

Conferences related to eComStation in 2009:

  • Warpstock USA
  • Warpstock Europe

btw, Solutions page is updated, we have published the links to movies about areas of OS/2 Warp usage in 1994: Around the World with OS/2 (in the bottom of page) (download using cclive, then use kmp050 to playback)

The future of netlabs.org

2009-05-01 01:22:59 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Keep in mind, Netlabs.org consists of two parts: a) Swiss company Netlabs.org and b) Netlabs lable used to mark free/non-commercial OS/2 and eComStation projects

  • Netlabs.org company published own plans in the blog (something about mobile phones).
  • Netlabs eComStation and OS/2 projects: Netlabs.org will continue to host eComStation and OS/2 projects, so all os/2-projects will continue to exist. Example: now collecting sponsor money to port Qt 4 toolkit to eComStation (it is planned to collect several thousand euro for development)

Mensys replied to sentences published in the plans (comments section), the development of eComStation continues: Flash player is under construction, AHCI drivers development is planned. The demand on eComStation is high (not in Europe only but USA).

What do you expect after release of eComStation 2.0?

2009-04-27 13:34:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New poll on ecomstation.ru site: What do you expect after release of eComStation 2.0?

  • Increase of user base (new users, return of old users)
  • Appearance of new applications which use new features of the OS
  • Start of new projects
  • Appearance of new solutions based on eComStation
  • Companies from other markets will come to eComStation market
  • Other (your comment)

(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers)

Forums for users

2009-03-06 15:53:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff

forum.ecomstation.ru are aimed to connect users, to unload support service.

Pay attention to some forums:

btw, rules how to chat on IRC? if your interlocutor disconnected then send your reply by e-mail.

More useful links

More interviews from the past

2009-02-21 21:41:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The homepage of the Community is updated

We have found old interviews:

  • Robert Henschel
  • Jan van Wijk
  • Samuel Audet

Wait for new interviews!

IRC-channels: #ecolabs is related to eComStation and OS/2 only

eComStation on communicator

2009-02-21 21:35:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2world.com]

eComStation is working on mobile phone?

Read more on the site of user: cyber, source of pictures

Warpstock 2009 announcement

2009-02-21 03:47:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [warpstock.org]

The Board of Directors of Warpstock Corporation is pleased to announce that Warpstock 2009 will be held Friday through Sunday noon, August 7th - 9th, at the University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We hope to have cost details shortly and open Warpstock 2009 for registration.

Warpstock Corporation is a Virginia corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at the Warpstock web site

Full list of conferences

Prices Reduced for Blonde Guy computers

2009-02-07 17:11:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE.org, Neil Waldhauer]

Thanks to increasing demand, Blonde Guy has reduced prices on IBM Thinkpads and new desktop computers with eComStation and OpenOffice preloaded.

The $1199 notebook computer is an IBM Thinkpad T43 Model with a high resolution screen (1400 x 1050), wireless Internet (WiFi) and a DVD Multi-Burner.

The $1399 desktop computer has a handsome small form-factor case, a removable SATA-2 disk drive for efficient backups, USB ports on the front panel, and a SATA DVD-RW drive.

All computers are configured with eComStation 2.0 RC6a, OpenOffice.org 2.40, Firefox 3.0 and Suntan Special. Prices include eCS license and OpenOffice support.

Blonde Guy computers

Neil Waldhauer homepage - Expert consulting for OS/2 Warp and eComStation

btw, Blonde Guy offers Suntan special package of utils and applications

February mix of eComStation news

2009-02-05 17:50:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have collected some news related to eComStation

1. Comic Market, seems that japanese OS/2 fans draw dodziki comics about OS/2 and sell on Comic Market.

2. http://os2ecs.org site is alive again

3. BMT Micro, Mensys Here is the BMT Micro, Mensys shop

4. Russian users send sponsor money to Paul Smedley again, it's ubnormal, better support local developers :)

5. Tuscany regional administration (Italy) is sending to all its public libraries an electronic edition of Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937 well known thinker about history, politics, philosophy and humanities). source

6. The funds are searching for sip-library, which may be ported to eComStation

7. eCo Shop catalogue improted some popular products to its catalogue

  • Desktop on-call
  • Super Virtual Disk
  • IBM ALP2
  • CoolFM
  • SearchPlus

eComStation - Het Multimedia Event

2008-12-04 00:14:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Mensys presented eComStation at Het Multimedia Event, It is a dutch 'enduser' fair, 3 days (end of november).

We had some space for demoing eComStation (on a Asus Eee-PC and an Asus Eee-desktop PC) and the first day there was quite a lot of interest. Gerrit Schoenmaker did some lectures/workshops in a seperate room. This fair used to attract more than 100.000 visitors in 3 days"

No comments..

Snow heap of eComStation news

2008-11-21 23:33:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Misc news from the Internet:

  • New movies about eComStation from Sigurd (movie 1, movie 2)
  • The users received eComStation 2.0 RC6 during Warpstock Europe 2008 conference.
  • OpenOffice.org 3.x is working and ready for testing, it should be available for testing in several weeks. A blog will be opened so users can monitor the development of the office suite.
  • We have published the links to the interview about eComStation several weeks ago (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4), here is a photo of the computable.nl newspaper:

Useful links for eComStation users

No viruses in eComStation

2008-11-05 20:19:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

While Sinowal (which is also known as Torpig and Mebroot) is infecting Windows computers, eComStation users are sleeping peacefully in their cots - the trojan is not dangerous for them.

eComStation Community

2008-10-27 15:17:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Homepage of eComStation community


  • We have found new interviews with the most active eComStation developers:
    • NL: Joachim Benjamins about eComStation
  • Warpstock Europe conference will be held at the City Hostel in Duesseldorf, Germany, from November 14 to 16. (http://www.warpstock.eu). (if you can't access the site then read this page)

Full list of shareware products for eComStation

2008-09-28 03:40:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software is interested to create full list of shareware products for eComStation. There are more than 50 modern products for eComStation today.

New products in Mensys shop:

  • SearchPlus -- Simultaneously search multiple drives! Including searching within Zip Achieves Copy, execute, delete, open files found.
  • eComStation FAQ brochure -- The eComStation Frequently Asked Questions Book contains 233 pages of valuable information for any eComStation user.

There are two famous internet shops:

Send us links to eComStation shareware/commercial products which are not published in this catalogues.

Moreover, the developers of every shareware program should check if his program is mentioned on this page http://ecomstation.ru/software

eComStation Community

2008-09-21 01:38:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Homepage of eComStation community


eComStation Community: new photos

2008-08-17 18:51:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Homepage of the community

What's new:

  • Warpstock 2008 photos
  • We have found more interviews
  • We found new conference from the past: Warp Expo West (1999)
  • Join irc-channel to chat with other eComStation advanced users and developers (openchat)

Help us find more facts from the past (interviews, reports about conferences, user groups)

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