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Community of eComStation users

2008-07-28 01:14:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Here is the site of eComStation community

  • Interview page - 16 people, which influenced on eComStation.
  • Do you want chat with other eComStation users and developers? Start Openchat now

    Attention! don't spend all time on IRC, economize your time.

  • California! Don't forget to visit Warpstock 2008, the conference will be held on the campus of the University of California at Santa Cruz from August 15 - 17, 2008. Prepare the questions to speakers in advance, during the conference make photos to share with other users.

New hobbes (beta-testing)

2008-07-25 13:21:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/ - is the largest storage of software for eComStation.

The server becomes better, visit new beta-version of the storage What is new?

WSE2008 -- calculate the advantages

2008-07-19 14:04:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe 2008 is coming (November 14 to 16, 2008, Duesseldorf, Germany)

You are right, the cost of the trip to Duesseldorf may be very high for you. 300 EURO.. 500 EURO.. 1000 EURO.. or more.

What is the reason to spend so much money?

A. Are you going make a presentation?

The conference is a good chance to

  • demonstrate your applications to the users
  • present success story of eComStation usage;
  • share your libraries with other developers;
  • learn new eComStation technologies and share the knowledge with other developers;
  • present own concept of OS development;
  • inform developers which software and drivers should be created;

B. Moreover, the visit of the conference gives you:

  • Intercourse
    • You are meeting with other users and developers from different countries, different cultures;
    • If you are a developer, then you are meeting with your clients. Ask them what do they need;
    • Meet the users from your city and region. The conference may help you create Local User Group;
    • Get fresh news and secret information when chatting.
  • Income/experience
    • The visit of Germany is good for your experience, you can see how german people are working, why they are so productive.
    • You are collecting information what is the trend of OS/2 development. This helps you safe the efforts and don't spend then time to fake goals after return to home.
    • If you are a designer then watch the design of german houses, clothes, banners
    • Improve your english(/deutch/dutch), no need to buy tutorials of english language
    • You are mobilizing while preparing for the conference. You are generating more ideas, more code while preparing for D-Day.
    • Present your program to sell it
  • Vacations
    • If you don't have a report then interpret the trip as short vacations

VOICE Newsletter 07/2008 available

2008-07-14 16:56:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The July edition of the VOICE Newsletter is now available online.

In the latest issue you find:

  • Hello and Good-bye -- Christian Hennecke talks about the current status of os2voice.org
  • Installing VBox/2 -- Cheng-Yang Tan installed a guest system inside the virtual machine
  • Exploring Feature Install - Part 2: Advanced Installation Topics -- Alex Taylor
  • Virtual Memory Problems under OS/2 -- Sjoerd Visser, This article compiles related background knowledge and derives methods to at least reduce the problem.
  • OS/2 and Multilingual Character Sets - Part 3 -- Alex Taylor
  • Is Usenet advocacy too polluted to be relevant any more? -- Mark Dodel
  • netlabs.org Developers Workshop 2008 Report and Rumors -- Thomas Klein
  • And of course letters, addenda, and tips!

Community of eComStation users

2008-07-09 02:16:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Community of eComStation users

A) Interviews -- most active users and developers (help us to find other interviews)

B) Char/Forum -- discuss important topics with other users

The main advantage of IRC - immediate contact with the group of users and developers in real-time.

Why to use IRC?

  • if you start new project and going to work in conjuction with other developers
  • to make questions
  • to get hot news

C) Conferences -- You have a chance to visit Warpstock in California and Warpstock Europe in Duesseldorf.

D) How to participate in the life of eComStation community? There are many advices in Evolutionary Sprint stories

eComStation.Ru forums

2008-07-08 21:54:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The most active forums (mix of english and russian messages):

Community of eComStation users

2008-05-12 00:47:37 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New site is aimed to create the community of eComStation users! Do you have questions to other users or developers? Let's meet at #ecommunity IRC-channel

Books for eComStation users

2008-04-25 16:30:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation market is changing, new users need books and tutorials.

eCo Software support service published the 3-rd brochure (russian text):

  • Frequently asked questions. eComStation drivers: ACPI, JFS, Panorama, USB.

(Photo) The books are aimed at users and companies which have many computers and should solve different problems in short time.

The books play important role in the development of eComStation market:

  • we can advertise eComStation via book shops (it's impossible promote eCS via TV, there are banners in the Internet already)
  • this increases the turnover of resellers (extends selection of goods - good addition to eCS box and electronic shareware soft)

The developers of software

2008-04-14 02:02:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We continue to collect interviews with the developers and managers which develop software, form the vital space for users. Perspectives of eCo Software - Konstantin Kozlov (russian text).

More interviews with eCo Software developers -- eCo Software crew

Other interviews which influenced on the community of users:

Uniaud updates

2008-04-03 23:10:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru ]

Uniaud for HDAudio is released. Current tickets v1.9.2 is now available: http://download.smedley.info/uniaud32-1.9.2.zip & http://download.smedley.info/uniaud32-1.9.2-debug.zip

uniaud16.sys from Uniaud 1.1.4RC5 is the recommended version

From the readme:

This build of uniaud32.sys has the ALSA code level based completely on ALSA 1.0.16. Uniaud 1.1.4rc5 is based on ALSA versions ranging from 0.9.x through to 1.0.14. The aim is to provide a version of Uniaud based on the absolute latest ALSA Code - this is a stepping stone on the way to that. This will become Uniaud32 2.0 once we feel that it is stabilised and offers improved support for Audio than Uniaud 1.1.x

Due to the backlevelling of some code - some sound cards that currently work with Uniaud 1.1.4rc5 may not work with this build.

Specifically, due to compilation issues, the following backends are NOT supported:

  • emu10k1 (aka sb live) - linux code loads the firmware from a local drive in later ALSA versions - this isn't working yet on OS/2

As time permits, support for these will be reinstated.

The source is now in SVN and can be browsed at http://svn.netlabs.org/uniaud/browser/GPL/branches/uniaud32-2.0

Changes since 1.9.0 (25th March release)

  • Fix hardware sample rate setting
  • Add ACPI support for determining IRQ (Hopefully fallsback to old code on machines without acpi.psd)
  • Various tidyups
  • Bump version to 1.9.2 (1.9.1 was used for internal test versions)

Thanks to all those testers who have provided feedback on the 1.9.x releases that are based on ALSA 1.0.16!!!

All feedback is greatly appreciated, particularly any improvements or deteriorations compared with Uniaud 1.1.4

Warpstock 2008 Site Chosen!

2008-03-30 19:24:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation, Andy Willis]

The Board of Directors of Warpstock Corporation is pleased to announce that it has selected a bid from those submitted to host Warpstock 2008.

The location chosen is Santa Cruz, California at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The dates for Warpstock 2008 are August 15th to 17th, 2008.

Watch our website at http://www.warpstock.org for more information as it becomes available.

We look forward to seeing you in Santa Cruz in August.

Warpstock Corporation is a Virginia corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of eCS/OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at the Warpstock web site

Full list of conferences

eComStation brand

2008-03-29 02:04:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

If you have read the history of eComStation (russian text), then view the photos of eComStation boxes and CDs, visit the site of eComStation logos and artwork

Inform us, which company is able to print eComStation logo on mini-mouses for notebooks in the Netherlands (the information is actual for us till the end of April, 2008)

Happy Birthday OS2World.com

2008-03-27 18:27:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2world.com, Martin Iturbide]

Today (Thursday the 27th of March) we celebrate OS2 World.Com 8th birthday online. I will like to remind you the free services that are offered at OS2World.com

  • Free Hosting - For OS/2-eComStation web paged and related projects.
  • Free POP03/Webmail e-mail account (@os2world.net)
  • Forums - Open to the public to request help and make questions
  • OS2World Wiki - Here you can write down your ideas and get collaboration help from other users.
  • Picture Gallery - To upload and share OS/2-eCS community pictures.
  • Documents Library - OS/2-eComStation related documentation.
  • Bounty System - For developers and users in need for a program or port.
  • OS2-eCS related links system.
  • OS/2-eComStation News - Located on the main page.

You could help us also by sponsoring a bounty

Or you can make a donation to help us maintain and upgrade OS2World's server.

Thanks to everyone for supporting OS2World on this eight years.

Bug-tracker and forum.ecomstation.ru

2008-03-20 20:47:29 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software is developing software since 1997.

1) The developers get all your bug-reports and keep them in wiki database. This method works good during the 1-st year, doesn't work for long-term projects. That's why we opened http://trac.ecomstation.ru (Login: ecotrac, password: nhfrerth, select New ticket)

(Netlabs.org helped us to setup the tracker)

2) forum.ecomstation.ru is protected against spammers now Most popular topics: Perfect eComStation, eSchemes, Kernel.

List of companies on eComStation market

2008-02-13 19:32:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Let's update the list of companies working on eComStation market. Inform us which companies should be removed from the list (company is "dead" if it didn't released updates of software in the last three monthes)

There are updates in the list of solutions

As you can see, eComStation and OS/2 Warp are used in Russia only, no detailed information about solutions developed by european or american companies.

eComStation sites

2008-02-12 00:40:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We can see small changes:

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