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WarpWeekend results

2003-11-05 21:29:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Roderick Klein published some photos from WarpWeekend (analogue of Warpstock/Europe).

More photos and video film will be published later.

November 2003 VOICE Newsletter

2003-11-02 15:43:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

November 2003 issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • The scourge of SPAM -- Jason Stefanovich
  • Warpstock 2003 Wrapup -- Mark Dodel
  • Lexmark Optra E322 laser printer -- Alex Taylor
  • HOBLink X11 Server - Getting Started -- Per Johansson
  • Editing MMPM2.INI -- Juergen Gaida
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips, and the compiled news of the previous month!

Warpstock 2003/USA impressions (2)

2003-10-27 21:05:20 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS; eComStation@yahoogroups.com]

Let's view impressions of the conference visitors.

eCo Software in Kursk (Russia)

2003-10-22 03:08:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Microkod enterprise and eCo Software company concluded the agreement about partnership. This will allow meet the public`s requirements in os/2 software in the region, minimize network service expenses for local companies and increase user base.

eCo Software - is a distributor of eComStation/Rus operating system, the developer of native eCS software, distributor of Serenity Systems (USA, Lewisville, TX) software and Mensys BV (The Netherlands, Haarlem) products.

Microkod delivers software and hardware compatible with OS/2 to companies and users in Kursk (population of the city - 700 thousand). The operating system is used in communications, in development of industrial means of data processing, as system for home users.

Hacker Vitaliy Timchishin

2003-10-22 03:06:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com, martini]

The Inquirer site mentions Win32PRN project.

"THEY SAID it was impossible. First, reaching the 'holy grail' was considered achieving compatibility with Windows applications. Those that remember Sun's 'WABI' (Windows Application Binary Interface) raise your hand. Then WINE jumped into scene along with other win32 api emulators, 'compatibility layers' and the like...."

"And just when I thought I had seen everything, OS/2 programmer and hacker extraordinary Vitaliy Timchishin from Ukraine created Win32PRN."

How did Warpstock go this year ?

2003-10-21 13:07:55 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eComStation@DESPAMyahoogroups.com, Neil Waldhauer]

I enjoyed Warpstock very much. I didn't expect such an upbeat event. Some of the high points were:

  • Dr. Ilya Zakharevich presentation on perl -- do not underestimate the importance of having a good implementation of perl on eCS.
  • Oliver Stein -- showed a running copy of OpenOffice.org. Admittedly an early alpha, but this is very interesting.
  • And especially for you Kris, Bob St. John showed a list of features scheduled for the next version of eCS, and it included bootable JFS.
  • Lewis Rosenthal gave a presentation on NetWare. I was very impressed; eCS on a NetWare network looks workable, and I'm wondering if I should start looking for businesses that are using NetWare.
  • The VM looks quite interesting. The plans are quite ambitious -- I hope they are not promising more than they can deliver. The new VM almost looks too good to be true.
  • For the uber-geeks, GCC 3.2.2 is looking more and more real. Mozilla 1.5 is a pretty convincing demo. (I would have accepted "hello, world!")
  • And a quote from Innotek that I found particularly encouraging: "Committed to support OS/2 until the last customer has completed the transition process." Personally, my transition process is moving at a rate that will support Innotek for a long time to come.

October issue of OS/2 eZine

2003-10-18 20:36:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Isaac Leung]

October 2003 issue of OS/2 e-Zine is now on-line.

  • From editor - we need small games
  • PhotoCGI program
  • Opteron benchmarks
  • C++ Lesson: Classes and Objects

SofTool exhibition in Moscow

2003-10-05 23:35:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The SofTool exhibition (30.09 - 04.10) was related to informational technologies in Russia and gathered more than 150 companies and organizations.

Eugene Kotsuba from Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, was representing Laser stereolitography hardware working on eComStation 1.1.

October 2003 VOICE Newsletter

2003-10-05 23:08:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Christian Hennecke]

October 2003 issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • Time for some advocacy. -- by Mark Dodel
  • A programmer's perspective for the end-user - Part 2 -- by Christian Langanke
  • LSwitch 2.7 - A New Face on an Old Friend -- by Don Eitner
  • Mesa 2 2.3 -- by Isaac Leung
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips, and the compiled news of the previous month!

WarpWeekend and Warpstock Europe 2003&2004

2003-10-01 01:42:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Roderick Klein]

Here is the *official* announcement about WarpWeekend and Warpstock Europe 2003&2004. The website www.warpweekend.com is now also finished. (down to some VERY small details)

First of all here is the annoucement from John Bijnens, who did his very best to get a Warpstock Europe this year:

I have some sad and some good news about Warpstock Europe 2003. The sad news is that due to external factors beyond my control it is no longer possible for me to organize Warpstock Europe 2003 in the KHLim in Diepenbeek, Belgium.

The good news is that this does NOT mean that there will be no OS/2 event this year. Thanks to the enormous efforts of Roderick Klein of Mensys a WarpWeekend will be held in Roermond in the Netherlands from Friday October 31st (12.00h) through Saturday November 1st.

*So this means there will be NO Warpstock Europe this year!*

However John Bijnens indicated there will be a WarpWeekend. Which will be held in the south of the Netherlands in the the city of Roermond. For hotel, program, route and more information visit www.warpweekend.com.

Please note you need to reserve your lunch in *advance*! Cost for lunch for one day will be 7,50 Euro including 19% VAT.

As a last point I would like to tell you all that Gerrit Schoenmaker and Bart van Leeuwen will organize a Warpstock Europe 2004. It will be again in Arnhem in the Netherlands. The same location where Warpstock Europe 2002 was held.

Free eco-logical zones

2003-10-01 01:41:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Three cities are declared as eco-logical trade zones :) Chelyabinsk (Russia), Odessa (Ukraine) and Omsk (Russia). Users from this cities take active participation in life of operating system and share knowledge and energy with other users. As result, local users and companies may purchase commercial os/2 products and souvenirs with discount.

Additional information (russian texts):

Important Warpstock Europe 2003 changes!

2003-09-24 01:19:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [en.os2.org, John Bijnens]

The warpstock europe team has some bad and good announcements to make about Warpstock Europe 2003.

The bad one is that due to external factors the organiser is no longer able to organize Warpstock Europe 2003 and that it is no longer possible to hold it in the buildings of the KHLim.

The good news is that this does NOT mean that there will be no European OS/2 event this year. Due to the enormous efforts of Roderick Klein of Mensys there will be a Warp Weekend in Roermond in the Netherlands. The dates are the same as for Warpstock Europe 2003. It will start on October 31st and end on Saturday November 1st.

eComStation merchandising

2003-09-11 11:06:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Users ask us where to find merchandise and souvenirs with eCS logo. Here is a pair of most popular shops:

September 2003 VOICE Newsletter

2003-09-03 09:34:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Mark Dodel]

September 2003 issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • About OS/2, eCS and their supporters in Newsgroups -- by Marckus Kraft
  • DrDialog, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love REXX - Part 10 -- by Thomas Klein
  • Accessing Databases Using Java, JDBC and JNDI -- by Per Johansson
  • Creating Scripts to Automate Application Migration -- by Chris Clayton
  • eCS 1.1 Installation Tips and Tricks -- by Walter F. Metcalf
  • The Epson Perfection 3200 Photo scanner -- by Lothar Frommhold
  • A programmer's perspective for the end-user - Part 1 -- by Christian Langanke
  • And of course letters, addenda and a compilation of news of the previous month!

Warp Community Update Workshop II/2003 is coming

2003-09-02 13:52:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Oliver Mark]

Dear Warp Community,

it's only a few weeks to the next Community Workshop and we wanted to update all of you already registered with the latest agenda, as well as reminding those, who have not registered so far to do so: please use the following website www.ibm.com.

The next Warp Community Update Workshop is starting Sept, Wednesday 24th 1:00 pm and ending Friday 26th 1:00 pm. Location is IBM Hannover, Room 216, Laatzener Straße 1, 30539 Hannover


  • Wednesday, 24.09.2003
    • 13:00-14:00 Oliver Mark, IBM Germany Opening Session; Updates on OS/2
    • 14:30-15:30 NN, Microsoft VirtualServer & OS/2
    • 16:00-17:00 Wolfgang Falz, Xnet Communications GmbH NetOp Remote Control Updates
  • Thursday, 25.09.2003
    • 09:00-10:00 Leif Bräuer, 6pac Consulting 6Pac Tool Suite
    • 10:30-11:30 Swen Baummann, HOB HOBLink JWT
    • 11:30-12:30 Leif Bräuer, 6pac Consulting Virtualizing on Linux
    • 12:30-13:30 Lunch break
    • 13:30-14:30 Achim Hasenmüller, Innotek Java 1.4x on OS/2
    • 14:30-15:30 Jürgen Wepler, ASDIS ASDIS
    • 16:00-17:00 Oliver Mark, IBM Germany OS/2 and Linux
  • Friday, 26.09.2003
    • 09:00-10:00 Lab, VirtualServer, Java 1.4, 6Pac Tools
    • 10:30-12:00 Lab
    • 12:00-13:00 Lunch break
    • 13:00-14:00 Wrap up

As always, the workshop itself will be at no charge, all attendants will bear their travel expenses. To apply for the workshop, sent a email to EMEA with your Company Name and your Name. You will then get a reply with confirmation.

eComStation conquers Altai mountains

2003-09-01 23:17:04 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Every person selects his own philosophy of mountains and methods of conquest: some atack the top frontally, others use method of base camps.

Many people go to mountains and drink vodka there.. Some walk by mountains like crazy tourists. There are mountain climbers, which like smell of ice and snow. There are rafters, hang-gliders, etc.

Yuriy Vishnevsky selected other way - he took away his group under the flag of eComStation. Read details and view photos here (russian text).

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