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November OS/2 eZine

2002-11-19 01:10:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Robert Basler]

Now available in on-line!


From The Editor

  • Robert Basler - A Transparent Folders Tip


  • Art of Illusion 1.2 -- Isaac Leung looks at a 3D Modelling & Animation tool.
  • Jasmine & PopCD! -- Deane Yamane looks at two programs from Ken Kinoshita.
  • LyX for OS/2 -- Isaac Leung looks at a word processor and typesetter for OS/2.


  • CPPal -- John Bijnens tells us how to use more than two codepages at the same time.
  • OS/2 is Boring Part 4 -- Bas Heijermans asks "do you need an OS for your old Pentium?"

The Art Department

  • Cool desktops for you.


  • Ask John & Rob -- John Bijnens and Robert Basler answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum.
  • November Forums -- Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.

Warpstock 2002 photos

2002-10-15 11:04:24 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS]

The picture gallery at OS2 World has been updated with picture from Warpstock USA 2002. Open direct link to the gallery.

If you have any pictures or video clips you want to share, please then use following e-mail.

Monument to the past was destroyed!

2002-10-11 14:15:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

OS2.Spb.Ru published some years ago (02.09.1999) fun story about wall inscriptions in St.Petersburg. The wall belongs to giant microchips factory "Svetlana".

Today we found that the inscriptions was painted over :\

Donate a copy of eCS to Mrs. Ballmer! ;)

2002-10-08 03:06:47 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Thomas Klein]

Hi folks,

just ROTFL because of what I read today in german newspaper "die zeit" (times) online news: M$'s Steve Ballmer complains about XP being too difficult to use for his wife!! According to the news, he's in search of the "finally right PC" for his spouse...

Well, heck! If Bob St. John could dig out Mrs. Ballmers e-mail adress, I'ld gladly donate my copy of eCS to her so she can check out what *real* operating systems are about. :)=)

Unfortunately I couldn't find an english version of that news, so the URL is only for german readers, I'm afraid. Have fun anyway!

October 2002 VOICE Newsletter

2002-10-03 23:30:59 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Mark Dodel]

The October issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • A better View of the World Wide Web. - by Mark Dodel
  • DrDialog, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love REXX - Part 2 - by Thomas Klein
  • jetty:// - 100% Java Servlet programming under OS/2 - by A. Nonymous
  • Warpstock Europe - the other annual OS/2 event - by Gerrit Schoenmaker
  • How to create your own (small) ISP, in 3 easy (and 57,245 difficult) steps. Part 1- by Michael W. Cocke
  • How to create your own (small) ISP, in 3 easy (and 57,245 difficult) steps. Part 2- by Michael W. Cocke
  • How to create your own (small) ISP, in 3 easy (and 57,245 difficult) steps. Part 3- by Michael W. Cocke
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips and a compilation of news of the previous month!

Netlabs.org is alive

2002-10-03 23:27:35 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Adrian Gschwend]

Adrian Gschwend (webmaster) is happy to announce opening of refreshed Netlabs.org.

After a way too long time I finaly went to Hamburg for a complete server update! I worked a lot on the backend the past months, we now have a decent content management system (CMS) to keep our projects up to date! Everyone should now be able to support us also with just a minimal HTML knowledge! (you are very welcome to contribute, simply send us an email :-)

Beside the HTML update I completely cleaned up the server, installed loads of new deamons and wrote a bunch of REXX sccripts to clean up logs and so on. Wow it's nice to work on the machine now :-))

Beside this I successfuly finished my exams (yeah!), now I'm writing my diploma work an in January 2003 I'm a free man with plenty of ideas for netlabs.org -> you will get much more in the near future, I promise!

You are welcome to browse the projects, the navigation is somewhat different and the project detail pages look different as well. Odin application database is better integrated in the new design now, but I need some days to finish the wizzard as well to allow uploads. Plenty of other changes are planned (including a rebranding to netlabs.org btw) but I'm still too busy to finish it right now so it will change within the next months, I promise!

Thanks a lot to Arne Blankerts for having a nice time in Hamburg and for sure to n@twork for hosting netlabs.org on a excellent backbone!!

The September 2002 OS/2 eZine is out

2002-09-18 01:26:19 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Robert Basler]


From The Editor

  • Robert Basler is looking for some new writers.


  • Xact -- Mike Engle looks at a scientific graphing application.


  • OS/2 is Boring Part 2 -- Bas Heijermans looks at a web serving solution.
  • Warpstock on a Budget -- Jason Stefanovich tell us how to get Warped without breaking the bank.

The Art Department

  • Cool desktops for you.


  • Ask John & Rob -- John Bijnens and Robert Basler answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum.
  • September Forums -- Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.

September 2002 VOICE Newsletter

2002-09-05 00:45:50 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Mark Dodel]

The September issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • A Tale of Woe and LVM. - by Christian Hennecke
  • Faster Network Printing - by Stanley Sidlov
  • Using Weaselfilter Against Email Attachments - by Michael W. Cocke
  • Digital photography with OS/2 - by Julien Pierre
  • BackAgain/2000 Server Edition version 3.0 - A Review, Part 4 - by Walter Metcalf
  • DrDialog, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love REXX - Part 1 - by Thomas Klein
  • PhotoMesa 1.3 - by Jason R Stefanovich
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips and a compilation of news of the previous month!

Scanners - testers needed

2002-09-03 16:16:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Stop! It's an announce for BeOS population ;)

BeOS community is growing more successfully than OS/2 does. We found an announce of drivers testing at QuBe.Ru.

ISO Software Submissions for the 2002 VOICE CD

2002-09-03 15:41:50 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Stefanovich, Jason R, PERSCOM]

OS/2 VOICE is looking for Shareware and Freeware for the VOICE 2002 CD - North American Edition, which will be released at Warpstock in Austin, TX..

Submissions of Shareware and non-GPL/OSS software may only be made by the authors themselves. Submissions of GPL/OSS software may be made by any individual, license permitting. Inclusion of software in the CD will be on a first come - first serve basis.

The window for submissions is open immediately and will be closed on 20 September. Submitters must provide a copy of the software or an authorized download site. Submitters may, at their discretion, submit an introductory page for their software in HTML format to be included in the CD index.

Please contact Jason R Stefanovich or VOICE editor for more information.

Having gamed? - Take it off!

2002-09-01 14:52:51 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [#os2russian, LightElf]

IBM closed support of Linux for Thinkpads

Some time ago, at june, 21 Compulenta has published those note: IBM, has decided no longer to support notebook ThinkPad with pre-loaded Linux-OS. As we can see from letter of Keith Frechette, IBM chief of Linux innovations and supporting team on ThinkPad line. Over 3 years working on Linux products, IBM canceled fund for this project. Frecchette branch is re-formed, he himself is going to find a new job.

OS/2 meeting in Moscow

2002-09-01 14:46:21 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [www.os2.ru]

OS/2 users meeting will take place at the 3-rd september (all night long to the 4th september) in Moscow. Everyone is welcome. Well known Relf is waited to visit us.

Information and coordination - Sergey Poziturin (AKA Pushkin)

BBC News - PC comes of age

2002-08-28 21:07:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com, Masahiro "Sassy" Sakai]

"The personal computer has come of age. This week the PC celebrated its 21st birthday and by this we mean the IBM PC."

And, as for that it is written concerning the details of the OS/2 created.

August OS/2 eZine is out

2002-08-22 17:36:38 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Robert Basler]

The monthly magazine of the OS/2 and eCS Community is online.


From The Editor

  • Robert Basler -- eComStation 1.1 first peek and Java 2 SE 1.4 for OS/2.


  • What is natural to you? -- Simon Gronlund considers possibilities for improving file organization.
  • OS/2 is Boring -- Bas Heijermans has a humourous suggestion.


  • DVD Comes to OS/2 -- Robert Basler looks at the first publically available DVD player for OS/2.
  • Virtual PC 4.3.2 for OS/2 -- Robert Basler - improvement is good.
  • Comparing Terminal Applications -- Brent R. Scott looks at four of the available choices.
  • Little Business Helper -- John Bijnens looks at a tool for OS/2 entrepreneurs.


  • The Art Department -- Cool desktops for you.


  • Ask John & Rob -- John Bijnens and Robert Basler answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum.
  • August Forums -- Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.

OS/2.cz is down because of flood

2002-08-15 16:07:38 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Filip Molcan]

OS/2.cz is unreachable, because our main server is situated in Prague-Karlin and this district is under water because of the high flood here. The all district is without eletric power.

OS/2.cz will be available as soon as possible.

p.s. Central Europe is flooded because of prolonged rains.

August VOICE Newsletter

2002-08-10 14:33:34 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Christian Hennecke]

The August issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.

In the latest issue you can find:

  • IT'S YOUR VOICE! - by Jason R Stefanovich
  • The IBM Travelstar 8E PCMCIA drive - by Mark Dodel
  • gPhoto2/2 v2rc5 - by Dominik Chmaj
  • Interview with an OS/2 SOHO-user - by Eric Baerwaldt
  • GpfRexx, GUI Programming Facility for REXX. - by Alan Harrison
  • ThemeManager - "How To" Modify existing Themes and Add New Themes - by Peter Brown
  • And of course letters, addenda, tips and a compilation of news of the previous month!

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