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Recovery of general web-sites

2012-12-25 22:43:20 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The general sites were damaged in the second part of 2012 and several monthes passed.. now the sites are restored partially.

  • eComStation.RU was restored. DB not damaged. Sub-pages should be restored.
  • www.os2world.com - the site is online now. Requires efforts to recover.
  • http://bugs.ecomstation.nl - the bug-reports will be restored by emails

Use this backup tools to keep your business alive: PM Backup Suite

The analytics are stupid

2012-12-06 14:43:20 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [habr]

The State Of The Web - Mary Meeker, drawed wrong pictures - OS/2 Warp not mentioned (russian text)

Here is the market share of OS/2 Warp

Warpstock Europe 2013 - Haarlem Train Station

2012-11-29 02:42:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Information about WSE2012

The conferences play important role in the life and functioning of the community. The developers and managers are working for the conference during 6 monthes,
they are using the energy received at the conference during the next 6 monthes. Full list of previous eComStation / OS/2 conferences: http://ecomstation.ru/conferences.php

Imagine that eComStation captured new markets and is growing. Why this happened? New solutions were developed, new libraries. Some interesting user interface features were introduced. New applications based on universal templates were created.

So, you know what we should make to achieve success. What topic are you going to research in the next 6 monthes? What presentation are you going prepare? (If you know a specialist which can work on this, send him information about the conference)

  • What changes make to User interface
  • What templates of applications should be developed?
  • How to join different applications to pipelines to solve more complex tasks?
  • How to give the 2-nd life to REXX
  • Usage of eComStation in school/university
  • (your topic)

Some words about Haarlem (the city which you can visit during/after the conference):

The original train station in Haarlem Holland was called Haarlem Station. Originally constructed in 1839 to carry passengers between Haarlem and Amsterdam, the station was rebuilt in 1905-1908. Today, 6 trains per hour run from Haarlem to Amsterdam. Travel time is approximately 20 minutes.


  • It's always difficult make good photos of the speakers. Let's give 30 seconds for photographers to make some photos (after/before) with selected slides in the backround. [this is important for good reports]
  • Social event (restaurant or tourist walk) should be available for all guests of the conference by default. People can't imagine what do they miss, it's necessary invite more people, so they get more impressions from the conference. Of course, the visitor can decline the invitation. [this is important for communication among people]

Warpstock Europe 2013 - check the list of visitors

2012-11-23 04:00:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have accumulated all information on this site: http://ecomstation.ru/wse

This people are going visit the conference as visitors (Visitors page)

Some speakers prepare own presentation in 30 minutes, other need 3-5 monthes. Are you ready make a presentation? Do you want share some knowledge with other users? (Speakers page)

What presentation to make?

  • You can demonstrate 7 useful applications.
  • Connectivity with communicators and tablets
  • Usage of WPS and REXX (not theory)
  • Or ..

photo: NREY/Shutterstock.com

Photos of Haarlem city: www.flickr.com, for example:

  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/44571756@N00/sets/72157623130840842/
  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/migulski/sets/72157612007971283/with/2496804229/
  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/mvwijk/sets/72157603687805457/with/2407765388/
  • http://www.colourbox.com/image/streets-and-canals-of-haarlem-netherlands-image-3097068

P.S. This message is unofficial, official site: warpstock.eu

Warpstock Europe 2013 -- exhibitors

2012-11-17 03:48:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

A) In the past, many famous companies were participating in Warpstock Europe (Epson, Norman, Sun, IBM, Lexmark, ..)

What companies to invite this time?

  • Software developer: ..
  • Peripherals: ..
  • Laptops: ..
  • Books: ..

Share your minds, what company to contact? What are the arguments to join the event?

Does your (small/medium, not international corporation) company want participate? What the participation means? Show large banner with company logo + guard? no.. Stand + table + 10 chairs + mini presentation (10 minutes) x repeat 5 times per day.


B) Good video (slow, with notes) about Haarlem in may: Amsterdam and Haarlem: Two Great Dutch Cities (Haarlem at minute 9:00)


C) Reforms:

  • WSE-REFORM-201211-03: How to hold the visitors? Many visitors go away after the launch in the second part of day (because are tired, because don't know about coming presentations). Large, most popular, official presentation should start at ~ 16:00, not in the morning.
  • WSE-REFORM-201211-04: 1) There should be a room where the users can talk with the developers of software. The list of developers should be published in advance. There should be 3-5 chairs around every table.

eComStation: on bicycle

2012-11-15 21:02:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some news from internet:

1) Some activity in os2ddprog, (in reality, all developers are subscribed to separate mailing lists: USB, ACPI, ..)


2) Discussion of AirBoot in forums: forum.ecomstation.ru, and see also news.ecomstation.nl


3) All information about Warpstock Europe 2013 is collected at this page: http://ecomstation.ru/wse


4) Wow.. there is life in this forums: http://computing.net/os2/wwwboard/wwwboard.html


5) What system banners / dialogs do you need?

  • Waiting for CD-ROM reaction: "Wait.. "
  • New WPS Copy/Move
  • ..

More ideas about banners: http://ecomstation.ru/banners


6) os2world.com is down, service maintenance at ecomstation.com


7) Test your browser: http://new.weavesilk.com/ (you can disable symmetry)


Warpstock Europe 2013 - new people

2012-11-11 02:07:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How to invite new people? Look at your contacts list, are you familiar with IT journalists? OS/2 fans and businessmen which may be interested in the conference?

Notify this people about the conference (May, 2013, Netherlands). Recommend Haarlem city as good place for relaxation: Old Haarlem (video), and one more video: Haarlem - Zandvoort, Netherlands [HD720p] (via Haarlem to the beach)


  • it's not effective to rotate slideshows on the screen of notebook in the hall. people ignore standard promo clips (related to applications)
  • No reason to distribute flyers - major part of people don't read flyers
  • During presentation make questions to the audience so people wake up, stay cheerful and listen to you.

Warpstock Europe 2013: headline of the conference

2012-11-09 02:00:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe conference is planned to May 2013 (Netherlands) (the 1-st announcement)

After you participate in Warpstock Europe 2013 you should visit Haarlem city.

Watch the movie one more time to feel the spirit of Haarlem: Haarlem: 'The most welcoming city in Holland'

What is the headline of the conference? (What is your opinion?)

  • New applications
  • Virtual machines
  • eComStation and modern Hardware
  • Network compatibility
  • ..

Are you going participate in the conference? What is your role? As visitor / speaker / exhibitor? Send short message via web-form, we are going show the listings so other users can make decision.

P.S. This message is unofficial, you can ignore it. Official web-site of WSE2013: warpstock.eu

P.S. How to watch youtube?

  • try youtube.com/html5 -> Join
  • If doesn't help then download video file: change url to http://ssyoutube.com .. -> and select mp4 format

Week of non-standard Thinkpad notebooks

2012-11-05 01:31:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of reports about supported modern notebooks Lenovo Thinkpad X300, X1, X100e .. Our database contains 386 records only. Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

PHOTOS! Send us the photos of your Thinkpad with eComStation running. It's impossible find photos of computers with eComStation in the Internet.

Questions to all eComStation users:

Warpstock Europe - where is the engine?

2012-11-01 13:48:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

WSE2013 conference is planned to May, 2013 (Netherlands)

The conferences are not everyday meetings of the users.

  • For developers, every conference it's like examination for students. Every conference is the target. The developers make efforts to complete the tasks for D-Day (day of conference). It's a demonstration of year's work results.
  • For users, It's interesting trip, learning and communication.
  • For OS developer, it's a D-day of OS release. No conference - no release of new version.

How to imrove the conference?

  • WSE-REFORM-201211-01: The conference requires external investments, external resources.
  • WSE-REFORM-201211-02: It's important to generate eCS / OS/2 Warp artefacts and sell/give this items to the visitors. (pens, mugs, flashdisks, ..), to keep the "religion" alive.
  • Other requirements: message, 2012/03

adv info: tshirt

Warpstock Europe - your participation

2012-10-27 22:59:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe conference is planned to May 2013 (Netherlands). Every OS/2-user must participate in the conference (promote /or/ visit / prepare a product / discuss the results)

Inform us, are you going participate in the conference? web-form (ðÅÒ×ÙÊ ÁÎÏÎÓ)

  • Your name -- YES / I was going buy can't
  • What is the topic of your presentation?
  • At what forums are you going publish info about the conference?

eCo Software recommends:

  • WSE-REFORM-201210-01: All speakers make short presentations (10 minutes) in the morning to attract attention of the visitors. Moreover, the speakers can publish video clips in advance with promo of the presentation.
  • WSE-REFORM-201210-02: Let's recommend to all speakers: make live presenation, don't use slides.
  • WSE-REFORM-201210-03: Feed the visitors with small amounts of food in the middle of the day. Don't give 200% size portions, else the visitors are sleepy.

P.S. This is unofficial data collection. Official site: warpstock.eu

os2world.com is down

2012-10-24 19:31:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

os2world.com is the only site which was accumulating news about software updates. No news about software - no operating system.

Send all messages to the coordinator of the site, announcement, contact info

News on Warpstock Europe 2012/2013

2012-10-10 19:46:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE]

Roderick Klein writes:

Well it was a matter of time before it would happen. That we would have one year without Warpstock Europe. Working at Mensys I see plenty of interest in eComStation. But as times change, so does the amount of time people have to volenteer for something. Two people volenteered to help out BTW for Warpstock Europe 2012 I would like to thank these people for the generous offer.

In 2012 there will be *no* Warpstock Europe. In 2011 I organized Warpstock Europe with Gerrit Schoenmaker and volenteers from the Dutch OS/2 user group. This year however things have been REAL busy as Mensys has moved to a new and bigger office. The Warpstock Europe steering group did put out a call in 2012 asking if anybody would like to organize Warpstock Europe. We never received any reply. For years I mostly have been the pushing engine behind Warpstock Europe getting started or working with other people to make it happen. I tried to find time in my agenda to work on Warpstock Europe 2012 but had to little.

I was planning on making Warpstock Europe happen in 2012. The first attempt I planned I had to move forward and was planning on making the event happen in November of this year. In the end I decided to move the event to next year.

I can still get the event organized. But since its now that late in the year most people have to little time to get time time off from work. This is however not the deadth of Warpstock Europe! Its going to go for a wintersleep and it will wake up in the spring of next year. May 2012 we will have a Warpstock Europe again! To make certain it happens it will once again be helt in La Place restaurant. Exact date will be set later this month.

Hope to see a lot of people next year!

Roderick Klein, Mensys B.V.

eComStation - What's the Next Step?

2012-10-06 04:05:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Eugene Gorbunoff answers to the questions collected from users during august and september. Share your opinion, how to improve eComStation.

Other Community page updates:

eComStation: Mix of read leaf

2012-09-27 01:07:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users returned back to computers after the summer

1) Area of eComStation usage today: http://ecomstation.ru/soho


2) Do you have troubles with Intel WiFi adapter and eComStation - Discussion in forum


3) Multimedia center based on eComStation, german users are discussing how to build own barebone: thread 1, thread 2

Experience of other users: http://ecomstation.ru/mc


4) eComStation and Arduino Forum, more links: Photo of italian guy from Arduino The Factory of Arduino


5) Why prolong subscription to eComStation? Russian page a) access of updates, b) access to new version


6) We found interview with the developer of OpenChat


7) Sigurd is installing eComStation to Samsung Series 7 Slate tablet Dicsussion in forum


8) OS/2 for satelites www.geopp.de


9) http://www.os2world.com/ have collected money for new server!

OS/2 Professionals

2012-09-18 00:27:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Use eComStation.RU to promote your services and experience.

Add a link to your site. What is your experience? What services do you provide? Homepage: OS/2 Professionals

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