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Support eComStation - take a banner

2012-09-13 02:18:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users are interested to support eComStation. Large IT sites don't have interest to eComStation.

What the users can do to support eCS?

  • Write a success story, why do you use eComStation? How do you use eComStation? We are collecting the stories at eComStation.TV
  • Put simple banner related to eCS to your site. Contact us to select the banner.
  • Mention eComStation in other internet forums.

eComStation: Summer continues!

2012-08-29 17:02:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) #$%#$% Russia goes to use DVB-T2 instead of DVB-T: russian text, as result we can't use digital TV with eCS.


2) Forums: Story about Warcraft. No sound in eComStation. How to get it? UNIAUD" - goto forum


3) Feature request to system utilities: forum


4) More tablet laptops were tested with eComStation (with Wacom digitizer inside) forum


5) Text about OS/2: http://slashdot.jp


6) You can write short story how ho use eCS for new users:

  • how to upload music to Android phone
  • how to correct balance of white color on photo of scanned document
  • ..


Phone card with OS/2 background:

Recovery after crash

2012-08-27 00:15:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU site survived the largest crash (since 2001).

We are recovering the pages and files from backups. It's necessary restore one hundred pages. Inform us via web-form about damages till the end of the year (if you see that a picture is absent or php errors)

Part of files were restored from PM Backup Suite storages.

Post the questions to the forums

2012-07-26 13:24:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users have so many questions, please share your questions with other users.

(russian text)

If you have troubles with subscription access..

2012-07-24 10:03:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

If you can't access My Downloads directory at Mensys.nl site (although your subscription is active) then inform your reseller about the troubles.

July mix of news

2012-07-19 22:19:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) Discussion of WiFi: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.org.netlabs.genmac.user


2) Question from Artemy: "Open file: there is a file on desktop. Tell me 7 methods to open it."


3) SATA-controllers: Did you tested AHCI drivers with Thinkpad laptops? What model is supported, which doesn't work? List here


4) Do new scanners work with eComStation? Epson V700 and V750 are supposed to work so there is a good chance that the V500/V600 will. There is a later build of sane which could be worth trying if the build included with Tame does not work sane-1.0.22-os2-20120131.zip


5) What to do if you can't create volume on new harddrive? How to remove existing Windows shit? SEDIT method (dangerous!)


Japanese phonecard with IBM OS/2:

Links to eComStation / OS/2 Warp sites

2012-07-11 00:43:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Your favorite sites related to eComStation and OS/2 Warp. What web-sites do you recommend?

Collection of useful links:

Please share links to new or unknown web-sites (via web-form). Does the site accept news (software, hardware, general)?

eComStation.RU - tons of joy

2012-07-06 02:46:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What can you find on eComStation.RU site?

  • All news related to eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp since 2001. Every message (may have) has comments so it works like local mini-forum.
  • All reviews and articles about eCS and apps since 2001.
  • Announcements of software updates - in separate APeCS database
  • Many pages are related to the history of eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp.
  • Here is additional forum forum.ecomstation.ru
  • The lists of tested hardware
  • There are many pages with software projects
  • Polls to collect the statistics
  • Additional site with video clips: eComStation.TV
  • eCo Shop - the catalogue of software (RUB)
  • Web-site for developers -- DevCon
  • eCo Shop - ThinkPad notebooks for eComStation users (RUB)
  • Frequently asked questions and answers -- FAQ

We add additional information to the sites every hour. You can stop us!

eComStation.RU - is the second site related to eComStation/OS/2 Warp (by qty of visitors). eComStation.RU - is the largest storage of knowledge about eComStation and OS/2.


What are the plans for 2012? The external view is changing, 30 sub-pages should be created.

We are ready share our success. You can publish reviews/articles on the site.

Sponsor units. If you want support the site - insert a coin into your floppy drive (Sponsor page)

eComStation resellers newsletter

2012-07-01 15:35:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The resellers of eComStation play important role in eComStation promotion, please support your local reseller (Full list of eComStation resellers).

1. Computers with eCS (OS/2 Warp) pre-installed

  • eCo Shop offers ThinkPad X300 with eComStation pre-installed (WiFi adapter is supported)

(Full list of eComStation resellers)

2. SSD disks and Flash disks

3. Shareware apps (for organizations)

There are more than 60 actual commercial/shareware applications for eComStation. Contact your reseller to buy N licenses to reduce the expenses.

4. Coming conferences, exhibitions and fair

[No news]

5. Subscription

Contact your eCS reseller to prolong eCS Software Subscription and get access to the latest Drivers and Software updates.


To become eCS reseller/agent visit ecomstation.com

Experience and opinion Exchange

2012-07-01 12:08:34 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

forum.ecomstation.ru - wow.. we have group structure of forums. It is ready for discussion of any topic: how to install the system, how to develop apps.

1) What settings do you change after OS installation?

  • fonts setup
  • changing WPS settings


2) The review is updated (RUS) Fax based on eComStation (added link to bgfax)


2) Did you tested GPS USB under eComStation? How to make it generate data?


3) If you are testing AHCI driver (SATA-controller driver) with Thinkpad notebook, then send a report to http://ecomstation.ru/ahci


4) There are meetings of eCS/OS/2 users every month

  • 23.06.2012 - Holland. Dutch eCS was demonstrated.
  • August - Warpstock USA - Portland Airport (Portland, Oregon, USA)
  • BayWarp is planned in California


5) How to use Odin? Share the experience in the forum (RUS) forum.ecomstation.ru


6) How to setup UMTS Gobi 2000 modem for eComStation? We have information about Ericsson only: article, and report


7) Do you have useful REXX-script, pass it to http://ecomstation.ru/rexx, Moreover, there is a task for developer to create Pipeline GUI program with support of REXX-scripts (RUS).


P.S. Find small green tree on this site.

OS/2 and eComStation T-shirt

2012-06-16 01:59:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

It's not late to order t-shirt with OS/2 or eComStation logo.

Examples of OS/2 / eComStation t-shirts

Post your question to Eugene Gorbunoff

2012-06-07 15:20:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

You can post your questions regarding eComStation: web-form is here

What topics can we discuss:

  • Area of eComStation usage
  • Apps for eCS
  • Solutions based on eCS
  • Software development
  • User Interface of eCS
  • Conferences
  • Perspectives of eCS

The answers should be published at Monday at eComStation.RU site.

ATM machines with OS/2 inside

2012-06-02 17:57:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Everybody remembers that OS/2 was used as OS for ATM. (ATM and OS/2)

Here is a fresh business-idea: installation of ATM inside private houses (RUS) Как установить банкомат у себя в квартире

eComStation: green grass

2012-05-27 19:41:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Different news from the Internet:

1) Week of POS-printers (checkprints). Do we need extra drivers? Do you have a control program? Send the report


2) OpenOffice bug-reports and discussions: http://forum.ecomstation.ru/viewforum.php?f=4


3) You can rotate the banners related to eComStation on your site:

  • Solutions bases on eComStation - if you are interested to extend the market of eCS
  • Shareware-apps for eComStation (140x140)
  • eCo Ring site links exchange banners


4) e-ball Awards 2011 failed (history of competitions). It's a separate project which requires the efforts during the whole year. eCo Software couldn't find the resources. Let's make efforts to organize the next competition.


5) How to change eCS blob on system boot?

Alex Taylor writes: eCS comes with BrandLDR.

[C:\]brandldr /?
example: BrandLDR E:\OS2LDR "eCS 1.03"


6) The site of eComStation attributes was updated. More e-balls and artwork - http://ecomstation.ru/attributes


7) How the UI of eCS/OS/2 was changing? History of eCS and OS/2 UserInterface development - remember the facts.

Questions and answers on demand

2012-05-25 14:10:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

(we talk about the questions and answers related to installation and setup of eComStation)

eCo Software is supporting the users since 1997. Everybody knows our famous eCS FAQ book. The processing of questions and answers is very expensive (we should translate the answer to other language, discuss the answer in the group of specialists. clear the final version of text) - the cost of production of 1 question may achive 10 or 30 dollars.

We failed to find the sponsor. There are 2 ways: stop eCSFAQ project or continue the processing of answers.

If you have interest to the answers, you can pay 2 euro and receive the answers in 1 week by email. The answers will be published to other users during the year.

  • Does hot-plugging work in eCS? Can I attach / detach e-Sata hard drives?
  • Problems with Named pipes in eCS 2.x
  • How to install Poscript-printer? I have PPD file
  • Some troubles with COM-port. (Hard)
  • How to setup USB to Serial Port adapter? (Hard, Net)
  • Does eCS support ADSL-modems? (Hard, Net)
  • DOS, MsgBox: "The system doesn't support the video mode in a window" (DOS)
  • No sound. What to do with Uniaud? (Uniaud)

Web-form for orders.

  • We are collecting the answers in the internet or answer by ourselves.
  • eCo Software is an independent company working on eCS market.

News about Warpstock Europe 2012

2012-05-22 14:51:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Mensys BV]

Hello everybody,

It's that time again of year, well not this year... I (Roderick Klein) already had plans to organize Warpstock Europe 2012 in May of this year. But things have been rather busy at Mensys, we moved to a new office in Haarlem. We also asked for other people to join the Warpstock Steering group or people who want to organize Warpstock Europe. It has not been that this call has been answered with an overwelming amount of emails.

Anyway I'm working with some people to make Warpstock Europe happen. This would we somewhere in November of this year. Possible location is Rotterdam this year. We are looking at the options.

Since it has been so silent around Warpstock Europe 2012 I wanted to send out a sign of life. If you don't happen to hear anything soon or don't see the website updated then don't panic. Its being worked but its just busy times.

Regards, Roderick Klein, Mensys B.V.


More about Rotterdam


Full list of conferences related to eComStation and OS/2 Warp

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