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Interview with Roderick Klein (after WSE2011)

2011-05-23 16:00:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Roderick Klein answers to the questions about (Part 1) Warpstock Europe, the 3-rd generation of eComStation, Area of eCS usage, future NLV; (Part 2) Perfect eComStation, How to start selling eComStation PC

Interview with Roderick Klein (after WSE2011)

(Part 1, Part 2)

See also:

eComStation Artefacts (2011/05)

2011-05-19 02:44:39 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New clip from eComStation.TV demonstrates new and old eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp artefacts.

eComStation Artefacts (2011/05)

See also:

Getting back your money for Windows OEM license

2011-05-18 15:39:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation/message/85858;_ylc=X3oDMTM2NjcyYTJkBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE4MzgxNDEEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA]

Roderick Klein reminds:

If you are going to buy a computer from a large manufactor, like a laptop and you are still wanting to get your money for included OEM license, well try it. I was recently again thinking about it after Warpstock again...

People keep saying that competition in the computer industry will not make a difference. From my personal point of view its because most people are used to Windows. You get and thats what you use...

Years ago I tried to get a refund for a Windows 95 OEM license with an IBM machine. In the end I talked to Microsoft and IBM only to run into a brick wall. The license was pretty crystal clear that if you don't agree with the terms of the license that neither Microsoft and the PC vendor is willing to license the product to you. In such a case you should contact the vendor for details on how to get a refund. In the end my request went to IBM HQ in The Netherlands, IBM HQ Europe in Paris and then on to the US. It was a pretty far going attempt only to get my money back. I don't know what will happen if I try today again...

But in most cases you wonder why as a user you should even listen to Business Software Alliance if vendors don't even honour your rights when it comes to the Windows OEM license.

I found this very interesting for people living in the European Union. The court case was in France, but still should be usable for other Eurpean Union member countries: Windows refund, Lenovo

"In November 2010, Mr. J. Petrus from France successfully won the case against Lenovo which previously refused to pay him the Windows tax refund. The Court of Cassation ruled in favor of Mr. J. Petrus, stating that the bundling was unlawful based on Directive 2005/29/EC.[42][43]"

Especialy with that in hand it might be fun to try again... We already pay enough to Microsoft when you buy a new computer. Unless you build your own computer...

Interview with Keith Merrington

2011-05-16 15:22:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Keith Merrington - is a developer of popular applications for eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp. He talks about the conference, the community and future plans.

Interview with Keith Merrington (Warpstock Europe 2011, 2011/05)

See also:

Alex Taylor answers to your questions

2011-05-11 15:27:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eg@ecomstation.ru]

Alex Taylor answered to the questions about eComStation development. Alex is a member of eComStation crew, he is making system utilities and components + researching User Interface and fonts.

Warpstock Europe 2011 interview: Alex Taylor

See also:

WSE2011: Mensys, history of OS/2 and eComStation

2011-05-07 19:37:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eg@ecomstation.ru]

One more clip at eComStation.TV channel - Menso de Jong (CEO of Mensys BV company) talks how Mensys company was founded, shows OS/2 catalogues, reports about current status of eComStation operating system.

Warpstock Europe 2011: Mensys, history of OS/2 and eComStation

See also:

Warpstock Europe 2011 - first photos

2011-05-07 10:33:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe 2011 started in Haarlem (Netherlands) at friday. We have published the 1-st photo at eComStation.RU site (we are retelling what happens and show photos in real-time).

Report from Warpstock Europe 2011 conference
(Start commenting at Saturday, wait while we are accumulating the materials)

What questions make to the speakers? What software "to order" from the developers?

Warpstock Europe 2011 - on-line report

2011-05-02 19:25:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Warpstock Europe 2011 opens at friday in Haarlem (Netherlands). We are going publish real-time report at eComStation.RU site (retell what happens, show photos).

What do you expect from the conference? What questions make to the speakers? What software "to order" from the developers?

eComStation: spring is coming

2011-04-23 00:33:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We found some news in the Internet:

1) What fixes / local improvement do you need in XWorkPlace?


2) Spanish-speaking users are going translate eComStation to spanish language: eComStation Spanish


3) Some discussion at popular joeuser.com site: I miss OS/2 April, 2011


4) Some words about QComicBook


5) Discussing SSD disks, does it work slower after 1 year of usage?


6) Warpstock Europe 2011 is coming, here is the list of speakers, do you have questions to the speakers in advance? We are ready ask the speakers.

Join Banner Networks

2011-04-19 02:36:44 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.Ru offers join popular banner networks to the owners of sites (if you don't have own site then forward this message to your friend maintaining an OS/2 web-site).

eCo Ring

Example: test page

Rules, guarantees, restrictions read here.

Why join the network? To attract the visitors to your site it's necessary post an announcement of an application or publish a review. If your site is a member of eCo Ring network then people come to your site by themselves, they see your banner on other site (other member of eCo Ring network).

WSE2011 promo banner network

Example: colorful banners on eComStation.com main page

Rules, guarantees, restrictions read here.

Why support Warpstock Europe conference? It's important to attract more visitors to the conference. People can exchange knowledge and generate new ideas there.

eComStation - Spring is coming, becycles

2011-04-07 16:32:34 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some news about eComStation from the Internet:

1) eComStation: to the left.. to the right.. (RUS) - the users are discussing how to develop eComStation operating system, Pro and Contra


2) LiveBook, short instructions for novice users: "Switching to other application"


3) APeCS catalogue is updated - Reviews page contains list of reviews and articles now, example: here If you found a review related to eComStation application - send us the link.


4) The article Changing fonts in eComStation 2.0 (RUS) is updated. How to solve the problem of ugly Waspsans TTF font?


5) osnews.com site published a message related to Java for eComStation.


6) Do you have own site related to eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp? How to increase quantity of visitors? Join eCo Ring banner network


7) Offerings fro standalone developers. What apps to create for eComStation?

  • Piano (look ad Windows 7 widget) - useful to test sound card, useful for children
  • Download data from Android / Windows Phone 7 / Symbian communicator to eComStation
  • Amazon Cloud drive client for eComStation.

Send us more ideas.

Event: High five for Warpstock Europe 2011

2011-04-06 20:18:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE, Gerrit Schoenmaker ]

Only 5 weeks to go before kick off on May 6th in the city of Haarlem, The Netherlands and hereby are 5 excellent reasons why you should not miss this event:

  • Meet great names in eComstation's history and listen to what they have to tell you. Never in the history of Warpstock Europe so many people from abroad (USA, Japan, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, The Netherlands) do a presentation. The sessions schedule is already overbooked. Have a look for yourself at http://www.warpstock.eu/ en/agenda.html as the list of speakers is filling up steady.
  • The Warpstock Europe 2011 event location is situated in a beautiful environment and is an excellent place to relax. So, enjoy Warpstock Europe 2011 and at the same time have a short vacation in the heart of Holland. You are close to Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport, the sandy beaches of the dutch seashore and see spring in all its splendour in the "Keukenhof". And of course the Dutch offer you excellent public transport wherever you want to go.
  • This is what you always have wanted to do, a pilgrimage to the city where it all happens: "the making of eComStation". So, you might play the spy and take a sneaky picture of the Mensys HQ.
  • As a WSE2011 visitor you can enjoy the very special social event on the evening of the second Warpstock day, for free. Mensys and the organization board offer you a lovely canalboat ride through the canals of the city of Haarlem and the river "Het Spaarne" and "after sailes" a drink in one of the old tavernes in the cosy and ancient city center.
  • Warpstock Europe 2011 gives you an excellent opportunity to learn about the upcoming features of eComStation 3.0 from the guys close to the fire, be a participant and line up for the great Q and A session with all the session presenters. Sign up for the event at Mensys Shop and return home afterwards with the feeling, yes, this is it: Warpstock and eComStation forever!

Gerrit Schoenmaker  
WSE2011 board member  
Chairman of the Dutch eCS & OS/2 usergroup  
Warpstock Europe Web site: http://www.warpstock.eu





eComStation.RU add-on: To inform more people about coming event you can join WSE2011 promo campaign and put this banner to your site:

<script src= "http://ecomstation.ru/banners/wse2011bannernetwork.js" type= "text/javascript"></script>


read more

No Skolkovo, No National OS

2011-04-06 16:52:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software doesn't plan to participate in Skolkovo project or creation of National Russian OS.

eComStation: spring news

2011-03-02 01:20:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some messages:

1) For the users which don't know what is CC:, you received a email, always check the list of recipients. If the message was sent to the group then press Reply All button (reply to All).


2) There is a large IT site (habrahabr.ru) in the RU-net. We need an invitation to this site to mention eCS (in appropriate cases).


3) Network adapters. "I added other WiFi adapter to Thinkpad but it is not visible" Some useful links here


4) Services for eComStation users Collecting information about banks compatible with eComStation, Social networks, etc. Share information how to activate HTML5-×ÉÄÅÏ (HTML5 WEBM) for youtube, vimeo, rutube É Ô.Ð.


5) For developers: Join the discussion of ODBC for eComStation


6) Do you have interest to compare JFS <> HPFS? JFS <> HPFS386 ? (bootable) + JFS <> FAT32, JFS <> NTFS? See Benchmarks


7) eCo Market: Searching for applications

  • PDF tools
  • How to chkdsk FAT32 partition?
  • ..

Announcement Warpstock Europe 2011

2011-02-17 12:37:29 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The 12th Warpstock Europe Conference will take place from May 6 - 8 in the city of Haarlem, The Netherlands, at the La Place restaurant and conference center "Dreefzicht" (http://www.laplace.nl http://www.laplace.nl/>). This year's event host is the Dutch OS/2 & eCS user group, member of the Holland computer user association (HCC) in cooperation with Mensys BV.

More information about the event location and the surrounding area can be found at the Warpstock Europe website (http://wse2011.warpevents.eu). Registration online can be done as usual at the Mensys webshop

The beautiful event location has a fully equiped "pick your own" restaurant on board, where you can create your own choice of breakfast, lunch and dinner at a very reasonable charge (as of EUR 10,00 and up). At every time of the day you can go there to get some refreshments.

The city of Haarlem, the capital of the province Noord Holland, is a beautiful city with very old typical dutch buildings and located very close to Amsterdam Airport "Schiphol". The city is from a historical point of view very famous as the place were book printing was invented by the Dutchman Laurens Janszoon Coster. The WSE2011 logo was designed keeping history in mind and therefor it carries several different font types in CMYK printing colors.

Met vriendelijke groet, best regards

Gerrit Schoenmaker, Chairman Dutch eCS-usergroup

eCS, the OEM reincarnation of IBM's OS/2

Warpstock Europe 2011 conference

2011-02-13 01:10:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

DON'T FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO OTHER SITES. Let's wait for official announcement - www.warpstock.eu

WSE2011 conference is planned to the beginning of May,

  • Event: Warpstock Europe 2011
  • City: Haarlem, The Netherlands
  • Terms: 6/7/8 of May.
  • Place: about 10 minute walk from the city center.

Are you going participate in the conference? Send us your name and topic of presentation via web-form, we are going draw "cool" banners.

It's very important collect full list of presentations in advance, so more users make decision to participate in the conference.

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