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Warpstock Europe 2011 conference

2011-02-08 15:08:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

DON'T FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO OTHER SITES. Let's wait for official announcement - www.warpstock.eu

WSE2011 conference is planned to the beginning of May,

  • Event: Warpstock Europe 2011
  • City: Haarlem, The Netherlands
  • Terms: 6/7/8 of May.
  • Place: about 10 minute walk from the city center.

Are you going participate in the conference? Send us your name and topic of presentation via web-form, we are going draw "cool" banners.

eComStation mix of icicles and sosulkas

2011-02-07 02:46:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have found in Internet:

1) The users are interested to know: How to install eComStation 2.0 to VirtualBox virtual machine?


2) The users are discussing: What solutions to developer for eComStation?


3) How to send news to OS2VOICE? It's very difficult post news to news.warpevents.eu server - you can spend hours to input captcha.


4) eComStation 2.0 wallpaper for your mobile phone: 240x400, 400x240


5) How to design apps for eComStation? New forum is created to discuss the design: http://forum.ecomstation.ru/viewforum.php?f=38


6) MultiMAC project is under development, Realtek Ethernet driver will be released soon.


7) Where to discuss gnu c/c++? How to share knowledge?

eComStation: orange hare is free now

2011-01-23 22:49:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) Firefox 4 works not stable, it's necessary make improvements in ACPI sub-system. Step 1: Please post confirmation that you have random crashes of Firefox.


2) Guest book of ru2.halfos.ru (os2.spb.ru) site is full of new "guests" - jump to os2.spb.ru


3) Please help us collect current links to news sites relates to eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp? Collection of links


4) The discussion continues: a) are you going use RPM installer in eComStation? b) is it necessary migrate eComStation CD1 to RPM? os2world.com forums. Current state: WarpIn - general installer of applications, The plan "migrate" eCS CD1 to WarpIn was not implemented.


5) Join testing of new USB stack (the 3-rd attempt to replace Exigen Latvia drivers) download from hobbes


6) 2010 is over, we must select "the best application of the year", Nominate perspective applications to e-ball Awards 2010.


7) eComStation.RU site is collecting information bit by bit. Please help us remember which libraries and technologies to mention in eComStation 2.0 specification?


P.S. I found orange hare in the forest today, it is free now!

Warpstock Europe 2011 conference

2011-01-17 01:22:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

WSE2011 conference is planned to the beginning of May, place: Haarlem (The Netherlands). Let's wait for official announcement. www.warpstock.eu

What do you expect from Warpstock Europe 2011? Read reports from previous conferences. How many visitors do you expect? 50 people - not enough, 250 - normal. What people are going to discuss?

Are you going participate in the conference? Send us your name and topic of presentation via web-form, we are going draw "nice" banners.

eComStation - ice rains

2011-01-14 01:19:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Misc news about eComStation from Internet:

1) How do you initialize Audio on startup? Share the script with other users


2) "I wanna make something useful for the community of OS/2 / eCS users". Some opportunities:

  • You can write reviews of applications and make screenshots
  • eCo Labs -> REXX scripts
  • eCo Labs -> Scout tasks
  • eCo Labs -> write specific articles
  • Support eCo Market
  • Share your experience of eComStation usage with other users
  • Write a short section for LiveBook (How to use eCS for novice users).


3) New page related to eComStation and Security


4) none


5) Online generator of DB schemes dbdsgnr. Python + google app engine. Login with Google account. You draw the scheme, the service generates code. MySQL, is supported, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, MSSql, Oracle are planned.


6) David T. Johnson reminds: I tested the firefox 12/4/2010 build that R. Walsh uploaded to netlabs and the HTML5 WebM video actually works on Youtube with the firefox v4b8 build...which I have not seen previously. It has to be a video that youtube has converted to WebM (most are not...yet) but, if it is, you will see the player controls in the window with a little tag 'HTML5 WebM' at the bottom. The video quality is very good 360p which is much better than the old flash 7 plugin could offer on OS/2. You might have read that Google (the owner of youtube) and Microsoft are locked in battle over the HTML5 video standard. Microsoft is supporting H.264 while Google is supporting WebM which is completely open source and without any IP restrictions. Microsoft has put H.264 support into Internet Explorer 9.

here's the link to the OS/2 firefox build

You can join the HTML5 video trial here and then click on the 'join the HTML5 Trial' link at the bottom of the page. Have fun...


7) Opinion exchange: the users are interested to know, does Samba client work for you? Connect to remote eComStation PC, russian version. What happens when you edit a file? Is it damaged after save?

eComStation - The day gets longer

2011-01-02 15:35:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) eComStation users buy Lenovo Thinkpad T400, T500, W500, etc Hardware database, Post new reports.


2) Paul Smedley's bug-tracker - here


3) The share of eComStation, OS/2 on the market. Level of sellings - History of eComStation


4) Article: eComStation 2.0 - Programmazione.it (thx os2world.com) Massimo S. sent me this eComStation article in Italian. It is about eComStation 2.0 release on the Programmazione Magazinne. Dated from 2010-05-26. You can check the article in Italian or you can use google translate to see it in English.


5) Security and eComStation - let's collect more information, You can send links to utilities and articles - we are going publish all information on new site.


6) hidden


7) Warpstock Europe 2011 conference is planned to the beginning of May, Haarlem (Netherlands). Please wait for official announcement. btw, What is the topic of your report?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2010-12-25 23:43:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Mensys BV, http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=3549&title=Merry%20Christmas%20and%20Happy%20New%20Year]

Serenity Systems International and Mensys BV wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

A short review of the past year:

  • eComStation 2.0 GA was released at Warpstock Europe 2010 in may.
  • A lot of work was done in tweaking the hardware detection and additional drivers;
  • The Intel NIC PCIe driver: this driver has been ported from Linux and is based on the Linux kernel module e1000e. It is released under the GNU Public License and anyone can request access to the source repository. It supports 49 chipsets natively and as such covers 45 more than the Genmac driver shipping in eCS 2.0 GA.
  • The NVidia Ethernet driver was updated too, now using the same framework as the Intel driver.
  • Java 6: this port is close to a beta release; follow http://svn.netlabs.org/java for the latest news.
  • Qt4 has been updated to version 4.6.3 thanks to community sponsoring; see http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4/ for more information and a lot of applications that were already ported
  • eComStation 2.0.1 will be released in English, German and Dutch. Unfortunately the update will not be available this year, but early 2011.

eComStation news - bit by bit

2010-12-06 00:13:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) Community: We updated the list of famous people which were recommending OS/2


2) Discussion of Open GL for eComStation os2world.com forum - porting TinyGL library.


3) List of reviews and articles is updated: Reviews


4) eComStation-tan - fun toy eComStation-tan, OS/2-tan, other tans

thx craigm


5) eComStationAustralia Podcast # 20 - Nothing much - no news..


6) Opinion exchange: How to modify eComStation to reduce load on SSD disks?


7) How to switch Youtube and Vimeo to HTML5?

method 1 - doesn't work. method 2 (from Cinc): change user agent to iPad - does it work for you?


8) History of eComStation

Let's recall, please send us facts and links.

  • history of eComStation / OS/2 installers
  • history of eComStation / OS/2 User Interface
  • history of Office Suites

Interview with Neil Waldhauer

2010-11-26 00:27:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Interview with Neil Waldhauer (Blonde Guy, LLC)

"Q: Why do eComStation customers come to your company?

A: I'm an OS/2 expert. People come to me to support their use of OS/2 and eComStation. ..."

See also:

Mix of snow news about eComStation

2010-11-21 15:06:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) multimac project was launched


2) "Replace the word OS/2"

  • If you are searching for "OS/2" word you often get Windows OSR2
  • Windows Vista was released after SVISTA (Serenity Virtual Station), Of course, we formed the word "SVISTA" from spanish "vista".
  • Now Microsoft is using "Aurora" word: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-20021535-92.html


3) Here is the interview with Valery Gaynullin (russian language) - developer of Panorama video drivers


4) (one more time): How to launch VLC player in eComStation? (step by step instructions?)


5) For users with SMP computers: Can you disable / enable the 2-nd CPU? Does it work for you? Use the utility: x:\OS2\MPCPUMON.EXE What is the version of OS: .., Version of ACPI driver: ..

eComStation: Opinion exchange

2010-11-01 20:40:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users are interested to know:

  • Problem [A]: How to launch VLC player in eComStation? (step by step instructions?)
  • Problem [B]: How to help to eCo Software? For example, you can join testing of our software. Current tasks: a) test Sunny icons, b) OpenOffice, export of russian text to PDF, c) test File Open Container, d) test WPS copy/move operations, e) test BackEmUp utility
  • Problem [C]: It's difficult edit/write group of HTML files for non-computer users. How to organize the work? How to edit HTML? Non-computer people don't understand File Commander, they need other more simple approach. Do you have an advice?
  • Problem [D]: (check the strategy of eCS community: Evolutionary Sprint) - more computer users start using 3G and 4G. eComStation supports this hardware, but you should setup it.
  • Problem [E]: Sigurd is working on new clips about eComStation: os2world.com forum (btw, where is the movie about eComStation / IBM OS/2 history with interviews and chronicles?!)

eCo Software is searching for partners / investors / sponsors

2010-10-31 14:56:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Software]

eCo Software developed many unique applications and tools for eComStation operating system. It's difficult to develop the software without the investors.

We are going collect offerings during november/december 2010 and select partners / investors / sponsors for some projects.

Invest into eCo Software

Conference Open Source software - 2010

2010-10-28 13:14:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://eCoShop.biz]

We have visited the 1-st conference of such kind in Russia "Open Source software - 2010", aka SPO-2010 (October 26-27, St.Petersburg)

Russian text: Report: Open Source software - 2010

Here is the request to users of eComStation operating system - let's collect list of open source / propietary components of eComStation on this site eComStation Open-source. Let's use this resource to attract more developers and users to our platform!

eCS news: ice-crusted ground, be careful!

2010-10-18 18:05:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some news about eComStation

Every 2 weeks a meeting of OS/2 users in organized in the Netherlands. The latest one was at Saturday (october 16), Gerrit Schoenmaker demonstrated Flash 10 player, the users were discussing OpenOffice.org, rpm, printing, new File Open Dialog, etc

What about eCS meeting in your city?


eComStation.RU published two short articles about eComStation 2.0 user interface:


New forum is available - discussion of REXX


Sigurd continues battle with Sony Ericcson F3507G 3G Modem: os2world.com 1, os2world.com 2, os2world.com 3

eComStation: mix of cold news

2010-10-03 15:09:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some news from Internet:

Bug-reports about OpenOffice.org for eComStation - forum


Bug-reports related to Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet - forum


Reviews of XObject - useful WPS class for developers -- ENG, RUS


"Searching for progrms": (new) users are interested to know:

  • Are there (free) CAD programs? based on Qt ?
  • How to generate PDF from .HTML + .CSS
  • How to scale PNG with transparency?


We reported about new eCS reseller several weeks ago. Peter Brown is interested to deliver eComStation PC (?): read more


(RUS) Desktop of IBM OS/2 Warp

eCo Shop discounts

2010-09-26 02:02:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Shop]

eCo Shop is a reseller of eComStation in Russia/Ukraine/..

We offered some discounts for russian speaking eCS users, some packages of popular applications with bonuses.

  • 2 x eCS licenses => bonus
  • eCS + Emperoar TV => bonus
  • Sponsor units => bonus
  • NetDrive + DFSee => bonus
  • Pack of Antiviruses => eCS license
  • Communigate Pro => bonus

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