Device Manage for OS/2

DevCon for OS/2 - Developer Connection

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





Analysis tools

  • Theseus - memory analysis program; finds memory leaks. If you want long term stability of your OS/2 program, this is the tool to use.

PM/WPS tools

Version control systems

  • Subversion (SVN) - version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community.
  • Smart SVN


File comparison

ACPI tools and utilities

Terminal programs

Scope tools

  • COMscope - is a Presentation Manager program that allows monitoring and control of OS/2 COM devices, without interfering with any application accessing any device being monitored.

    COMscope can take the place of a stand alone protocol analyzer to aid in troubleshooting communications sessions and to help debug communications applications.

DLL tools

  • DLL Rename -- IBMCPP40\bin\DLLRNAME.EXE

Debug means

  • PMPRINTF debugger with PM viewer & programmer interfaces. This application is a REXX, SOM, & C PMPRINTF debugger, with PM viewer & programmer interfaces

Time trackers

Time tracker -- PM application for keeping track of time spent on projects/tasks

Other tools

  • Emitlnk -- SOM compiler Watcom linker emitter,
    License: public domain, Maintainer: Yuri Prokushev
    Download current version: 20080206
  • PMATE -- PM Automated Test Environment. You record your mouse and keyboard with this, and replay it when you want to run your test. In combination with Theseus, this will give good coverage for your program.

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Please share information with other developers how to:
  • Q: The developers need modern Dialog prototype constructor, to design dialog windows




(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2024